  • 學位論文


The user interface study of highway facilities survey equipment

指導教授 : 黃維信 黃臣鴻


公路養護是維持公路服務水準的重要工作,雖然法令已明訂清查的時間及範圍,但實務上卻存在清查後資料正確性的問題,也將會影響到後續的資料應用。   由於公路設施共有十九項,其中又以標誌最常異動,對於設施清查的需求性最高,因此本研究以標誌設施的調查為主,整合既有的硬體設備,並配合程式軟體的開發,提供一個便利記錄人員實際操作的介面。本介面以圖示為主,透過圖示化的介面,可讓使用者更直覺得進行系統操作。   本研究為針對公路記錄人員來設計操作介面,在初期為了解專業族群的需求,透過觀察法與訪談法了解記錄人員的實際需求來設計操作介面,而由於記錄人員平常業務繁忙,所以在本研究中先以對於電腦介面操作熟悉度高與低的兩族群做模擬實驗,並分析兩族群對於新介面設計的實體績效,最後再以記錄人員提供專業的建議,歸納出最佳化之公路設施調查設備的操作介面。   目前系統為先導性開發,另外加入自動化的定位比對及標誌影像自動連結功能,以減少記錄人員的操作負擔。未來將提供第一線設施調查人員進行實機操作,並收集使用意見,做為後續系統介面修改之參考。


Highway maintenance is an important task in the standard of highway maintaining service. Although the Act has stipulated the time and scope of inspection, but there exists an issue of the accuracy of inspection data which consequently affect the application of the follow-up data. This study focused on the investigation of the sign facilities with the most-frequent turnover rate, integrating existing hardware facilities and coordinating with the development of software program, to provide a convenient interface for recording personnel practice. . This study focused on the development of operational interface for highway recorders. In order to understand the demand of the professional groups, the research used observation and interviews in the initial stage to understand the record personnels’ actual needs. As record staffs usually are busy, this research first divided the subjects into two groups: higher and low familiarity to the operation of computer interface. A simulation test was then carried out to both groups and the actual performances of each group to the new interface design were analyzed. Finally, based on the record personals’ professional advice, this study concluded the optimal operational interface for the inspection equipment of highway infrastructure. The current system in this study belonged to pilot development and was equipped with functions of automated positioning match and automated sign images link in order to reduce the record personnel’s operational burden. This system was provided to facility inspection staffs in the first line to conduct practical operations, and their opinions were collected as the reference for the modification of follow-on system interface.


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