  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 李興漢


資訊科技日新月異,資訊科技被大量運用在生活中,使用行動上網設備的人數再創新高,透過輕巧的行動裝置操作各種雲端服務,這種模式逐漸被廣泛接受,成為現代人生活中不可或缺的一環。然而雲端服務種類成千上萬,使用者欲找到符合需求的服務彷彿大海撈針,能真正能完全符合使用需求的少之又少,所以雲端服務客製化是在雲端服務大量部署的下一步。 因此建構一套系統平台來整合服務之運作是必然的,這個系統平台方便使用者尋找及叫用雲端服務,並且能將各家雲端服務之間加以整合應用,將可達到更大的效益。 本研究使用服務導向架構做為研究主軸,並參考架構中UDDI資料庫模式,提出改良UDDI資料庫分類方法,將數以萬計的雲端服務利用服務社群作為彼此協調的中介,配合本研究提出的封包式工作流程,依照使用者需求排定工作流程並選擇服務社群,系統將依照排定之工作流程依序執行服務社群中所提供之雲端服務,並將執行結果轉交下個雲端服務,以達成流程之自動化運行。 本研究提出的服務社群架構將增進服務適用性亦強化服務整合,並提高服務可靠度;透過封包式工作流程之機制,將可協助雲端服務流程之運行,綜合兩者,以達成橫向之資源匯總、縱向之資源串連,以實踐有效率的雲端資源整合。


Information technology is improving everyday and is heavily used in our daily life. Population for mobile internet device users climbs record high. A new model, which operates lightweight mobile devices with various cloud services, is increasingly widely accepted by users. This becomes an Indispensable part of modern life. However, to find the proper service that meets the needs is quite challenged and rare. As a consequence, customized cloud services will be the next step for massive employment of cloud service. To construct a platform to integrate the operation of services is inevitable. This platform provide easy access for costumer to find and employ cloud service. It also can integrate different cloud service providers to achieve the maximum efficiency. This research focuses on service-oriented architecture and refers to the UDDI data base model. The author proposes a method to improve UDDI database classification, which treats thousands of cloud services as an intermediary coordination with each other. With the packet-based workflow proposed in this research and based on the scheduled workflow in accordance with user needs and choice for service community, the system will execute cloud service provided by the service community according to scheduled work processes sequentially. And the result will be transmitted to the next cloud service to implement automation of the process. The community service architecture proposed in this study will enhance service applicability, strengthen integrated services, and promote service reliability. The proposed mechanism of packet-based workflow can help the implementation of cloud service process. With those two mechanisms, horizontal integration and vertical concatenation of resources can be achieved to implement efficient integration of cloud resources.


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