  • 學位論文


A Research on Creation of Class Pattern and Color Feature of Taiwan Local Belief- A Case Study on Cheng-Huang (City God) of Tainan Prefecture

指導教授 : 丁知強


台灣隨著時間、地理氣候與行政區域性的劃分,而產生許多地方習俗與觀念的差異性,長年來眾多差異性的交會逐漸形成多元樣貌的國家,本研究希望藉此機會深入了解地方型宗教信仰之特色與應用範圍,並透過文獻探討民間信仰型態中-城隍爺信仰的階級圖紋與色彩特徵。早期城隍爺信仰源自於護城壕之神的供奉,而今主要強調掌管陰間賞善罰惡司法神的信仰,從時代與行政區域的演變中逐漸劃分成府、州、縣三個階級模式。 本研究的第一階段設定以台南府城隍廟為研究平台,透過文獻與田野調查進行初步分析,並以城隍爺的文化歷史、地方階級、副官系統…等作為研究重點。第二階段則透過交叉比對,分析台南府城隍廟-城隍爺、七爺、八爺、文判官、武判官之服飾圖紋與色彩特徵,並從所蒐集的國內外宗教型海報與國際大師作品案例中加以分析、整理出視覺傳達手法與元素,作為創作應用的技術基礎。第三階段主要透過數位繪圖的技術,將幾何圖形、線條、文化元素轉化成海報設計中重要參考和應用元素,發掘城隍信仰中潛在的多元因子與創作意涵,期待能對台灣在文化創意所關聯的各種視覺資訊整理和應用上有所幫助,更進一步對傳統宗教特色的再探索、重新體驗和詮釋方法的研究上盡一份心力。


Taiwan, with its geographic, climate and administrative divisions over time, has produced many different local customs and concepts. For many years, these differences gradually intersected with each other to form a number of multi-national faces for this country. This study aims to take this opportunity to deeply understand the characteristics of the local religious belief and the range of its application while exploring the class pattern and color characteristics of Cheng Huang belief through literatures. The faith in Cheng Huang was initiated by the worship of god of moat, but now it’s mainly for the god in charge of the underworld rule – reward the good and punish the wicked. In the gradual evolution of the era and administrative regions, a three-class model consisting of government, state and county has then been created. The first stage of this study is setting up the study platform using Tainan Fu Cheng Huang Temple, making a preliminary analysis of fieldwork through literatures and using cultural history, local classes, adjutant systems, etc of Cheng Huang as the research priorities. The second stage is analyzing costume designs and color characteristics of Tainan Fu Cheng Huang Temple (Cheng Huang Ye, Qi Ye, Ba ye, magistrate, military judge) through cross comparison, as well as analyzing and sorting out the elements of visual communication techniques used in the collected domestic and international religious posters and masterpieces as the technical basis of authoring application. The third stage aims to discover the potential diverse factors and authoring implications in the faith in Cheng Huang by transforming digital graphic technology, geometry, lines and cultural elements into important reference and application elements in poster designs, hoping it to be helpful for the sorting of visual information and applications relating to Taiwanese cultural creation, and further making contribution to the study on the methods of re-exploration, re-experience and interpretation of the traditional religions features.


