  • 學位論文


The Study of the Telecare and Online Consultation System

指導教授 : 陳錦杏


因社會型態及人口結構的改變使??人口的比?持續增加,因此患有慢性疾病的人口比?相對增多,並增加醫?服務的需求。科技的快速進步,在各?域中?斷的創造出以人性化為主的生活環境,醫?品質觀?也?斷提升,使得可以實現幫助慢性病患的照護系統,並且能讓慢性病患?受有線監控的束縛與空間的束縛可自由的活動,達到無所?在的遠距照護系統。 本研究發展一組遠距照護及線上問診系統,搭配前端的感測生???的ZigBee無線生醫感測器與後端的資?庫的儲存,以達到監控慢性病患的生???並且提供線上問診功能。 本系統以Web-Based的架構,達到無所?在的照護功能,系統共有四個子功能分別為預約子系統、問診子系統、查詢子系統、系統管?子系統,醫護人員透過查詢子系統監控慢性病患的生???,並且設定慢性病患的生???範圍,在生????常時系統會自動通報醫護人員,讓醫護人員?即得知慢性病患的健康?況,進而做後續處?。慢性病患可透過預約子系統進?預約問診,再?用問診子系統與醫生進?網?的問診,減少舟??頓的時間與??;希望藉此系統讓慢性病患得到持續性的照護服務,進而改善與控制慢性病患的病情。 系統完成後,以科技接受模型(TAM)為基礎,建?本系統的評估架構及設計問卷,對象以醫護人員與民眾進?問卷調查,其目的在於探討本系統之接受因素。本系統評估結果顯示:(1)醫護人員的平日?用電腦的頻?與民眾家中擁有電腦者,對系統的「感覺有用性」認知呈現顯著影響。(2)醫護人員的平日?用電腦的頻繁程?、學經?和資訊科技的相關程?與民眾的平日?用電腦的頻繁程?、學經?和資訊科技的相關程?、?齡、學?、每週使用電腦次?、已使用電腦??,對系統「感覺?用性」認知有顯著影響。(3)醫護人員與民眾之系統「感覺有用性」、「感覺?用性」、「使用態?」認知呈現顯著性正相關。(4)醫護人員與民眾「感覺有用性」、「使用態?」對本系統「使用意願」呈現正向高?關?。


Due to the change of population structure, the proportion of the older citizen is increasing. This phenomenon leads to a rise in population of chronic patients and demands of health care services. The high technology is used in creating humanized life. Because of the promotion of healthcare quality concept and the vigorous development of technology, such that a home care services system can be implemented. This also causes a chronic patient to break away from the wired bond to achieve ubiquitous care. This study develops a “Telecare and Online Consultation System”. The system consists of the ZigBee wireless sensor and the database server to accomplish the physiological parameters monitoring and online consultation. The system is Web-Based and consists of Register Subsystem, Online Consultation Subsystem, Enquire Subsystem and Management Subsystem. The medical practitioner can monitor patient’s physiological parameters by Enquire Subsystem. The medical practitioner can also set normal boundary of the physiological parameters and when the parameters present anomaly the subsystem will give an alarm to care worker as soon as possible. The chronic can register by Register Subsystem and use Online Consultation Subsystem to ask doctor questions. We hope the system will reduce the chronic patient’s traffic time and energy. Besides, the chronic patient can obtain a long-term healthcare service by the system to improve and control patient’s condition. After the system is accomplished, We adapted the technology acceptance model (TAM) to develop the systematic evaluation framework and accordingly designed the questionnaire. We use the medical practitioner and public to find out the influencing factors of users acceptance of the system. The evaluation shows: (1)medical practitioner’s “How often do you use computer?” and public’s “Do you have a computer with Internet access in the home?” have significant influence on the ”Perceived Usefulness”. (2)medical practitioner’s “How often do you use computer?” , ”the correlation between background and technology” and public’s “How often do you use computer?” , ”the correlation between background and technology” , “Age” , “Educational level” , “How many times do you use Internet a week?” , “How long have you used Internet?” have significant influence on the “Perceived Ease of Use” . (3)“Perceived Usefulness” , “Perceived Ease of Use” and “Attitude toward using” show significant positive correlation. (4)“Perceived Usefulness” , “Attitude toward using” and “Behavioral Intention to Use” show highly positive correlation.


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