  • 學位論文


A Study of Resources Sharing Between Elementary Schools and Community in Central Taiwan Cities And Counties

指導教授 : 賴清標


本研究旨在瞭解臺灣中部地區四個縣市-臺中市、臺中縣、彰化縣及南投縣之國民小學與社區資源共享之現況及差異情形。本研究採問卷調查法,抽取中部四個縣市計375所公立國民小學之校長為對象進行調查,有效樣本為252份。本研究以自編之「中部地區國民小學與社區資源共享之研究問卷」為調查工具。根據研究發現,所得結論如下: 一、中部四縣、市國民小學運用社區資源的內涵為:人的資源、事的資源及物的資源;學校運用社區資源很頻繁,以協助教學、各項活動、競賽等校務之推動為主。 二、中部四縣、市國民小學推廣資源供社區運用之內涵為:人的資源、事的資源及物的資源;社區運用學校資源很頻繁,以免費使用學校場地運動、休閒為主。 三、中部四縣、市國民小學運用社區資源獲得的效果為:讓社區更支持學校;豐富學生學習內涵;提升教學品質;增進學生學習興趣;促進學校社區交流;協助學校達成本位課程、特色課程目標;及利於學校行銷,提高知名度。 四、中部四縣、市國民小學推廣學校資源供社區運用獲得的效果是:免費使用學校場地及設施;使用學校場地運動休閒;辦理各種研習活動;提昇社區文化內涵;促進學校與社區關係;學生及早適應社區生活。 五、中部四縣、市國民小學運用社區資源時來自學校的問題,主要是人力不足;來自社區的問題則是:社區民眾沒有參與的時間;社區資源缺乏,能供學校運用的不多。 六、中部四縣、市國民小學推廣學校資源供社區運用時,遭遇的問題來自學校的是:學校人員熱忱不足,不願意投身社區事務;社區多利用夜間假日辦理活動,學校人力支援不易。來自社區則是:民眾不瞭解學校有哪些資源可運用;社區民眾認為學校資源不足,不能分享。 七、中部四縣、市國民小學與社區資源共享現況差異情形為:1、性別、服務年資、學歷、學校所在縣市不同之校長對學校與社區資源共享現況之知覺沒有差異。2、臺中市學校規模61班以上的學校與社區資源共享之狀況最佳,各縣市規模為12班以下學校,學校與社區資源共享之狀況比較不佳。 最後根據以上研究結論,分別對教育主管機關、學校及未來研究分別提出相關建議。


This study aims to understand the condition and difference of resources sharing between elementary school and community in four cities and counties in central Taiwan. This study used questioner-studying method, choosing principals from a total of 375 elementary schools in these four administrative areas, with 252 sufficient samples. This study used self-conducted questioner as a tool, and concluded the results below according to the questioners. 1. Elementary school in these four administrative areas in central Taiwan mainly uses three types of community resources: resources from people, resources of events and resources of suppliants. Schools use community’s resources in high frequency, mainly for teaching assistants, supports of all kinds of events and competitions and other school works. 2. Elementary schools in these four administrative areas in central Taiwan mainly supply three types of resources for communities: resources from people, resources of events and resources of suppliants. Community use school’s resources in high frequency, mainly for using of playground and other school spaces for exercise and entertainment without fee. 3. The results of elementary schools using communities’ resources in these four administrative areas in central Taiwan are: gaining support from community to school; enriching the learning of students; gaining students’ learning interests; enhancing interacts between school and community; helping school reaching school-based and school-special curriculum; and benefit school commercials, gaining school’s popularity. 4. The results of elementary schools applying resources for communities to use in these four administrative areas in central Taiwan are: using school spaces and facilities for free; using school spaces for exercise and entertainment; holding kinds of studying activities; lifting community’s cultural level; boasting relationship between school and community; and making students to adapt community life early. 5. The problems come from elementary schools when using community resources in these four administrative areas in central Taiwan mainly is lack of (human supply); problems come from community are: community residents have no participating time; lack of community resources and not much could be used by school. 6. The problems come from elementary schools when applying resources for communities to use in these four administrative areas in central Taiwan are: school staffs are reluctant to devote to community works due to lack of passions; community use night and holiday to hold events, and school doesn’t have enough stuff supply. Problems come from community are: residents do not understand what schools resources are available for them; community residents thought that school resources is not enough for sharing. 7. The difference of resources sharing between elementary schools and communities in these four administrative areas in central Taiwan is: 1. Principals of different sex, seniority or length of service, diplomas, and schools locate in different administrative areas have no sense of differences to the condition of resources sharing between elementary school and community. 2. In Taichung city, school scale that is over 61 classes has the best condition of resources sharing between school and community. Schools scale that is under 12 classes has worse condition in the same perspective. Lastly, the present study concludes with some relative suggestions to education administrative bureaus, schools and future study respectively.


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