  • 學位論文


The effect of health education on knowledge, behavior and self-care of hypertension in community.

指導教授 : 林麗鳳




Changing the life style, promoting the behaviours and knowledge of self-care in hypertension are helpful to control the disease of hypertension and delay the probability of the complication of hypertension. This study is aimed to explore the involvement of the self-care health and health education in hypertension and to evaluate the effect amongst the community. The participants include the mid-aged and old people with hypertension from two community care stations in Taichung. Twenty-one participants were recruited in the experimental group and 21 were in the control group, utilizing the quasi-experimental design. The experimental group was continually offered the self-care health education as the involvement in the period of four weeks. The control group received none. According to the result, the involvement of health education in the community and the progress of self-care in hypertension were statistically distinguishable and effective. In addition, there was significant effect in educating the intake. However; there was no obvious difference in re-check in the hospital and exercise behaviours. The findings of the research may help the community health care providers to plan the health promotion program in hypertension for the community people.


self care health education hypertension Communities.


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