  • 學位論文


A Study on Financial Literacy and Financial behavior Of Elementary School Teachers in Taichung City

指導教授 : 康龍魁


本研究旨在探討臺中市國民小學教師理財素養與理財行為之研究,分析不同背景變項的國小教師在理財素養、對理財經濟敏銳度和理財行為之差異情形,並探討國民小學教師理財素養與理財行為的相關情形。本研究使用問卷調查法,以自編之「臺中市國民小學教師理財素養與理財行為之調查問卷」作為資料蒐集工具,以臺中市公立國小教師為研究對象,總計有效樣本為302份。依據填答所得之結果,以敘述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關及多元迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析。根據資料分析結果,本研究結論如下: 一、國小教師理財素養傾向「穩健型」,理財行為以「穩健獲利 型」居多,對理財經濟敏銳度屬中等程度。二、國小教師具有商業學術背景者理財素養較未具商業背景者更傾向「積極型」。 三、在不同行政區域任教之國小教師,對於理財素養之傾向趨向不同類型。四、不同個人每月收支之國小教師,有少許結餘者較有少許不足者,在理財素養較趨向於積極型。五、任教年資較資深之國小教師,對於理財經濟敏銳度較資淺教師重視程度高。六、未婚之國小教師在理財行為程度,相較於已婚教師趨向追求成長。七、大學畢業之國小教師在理財行為上,相較於博士學歷教師,更趨向於追求成長型。八、國小教師在理財素養方面愈投入,其表現出理財行為愈積極。九、國小教師理財素養能有效解釋理財行為,其中又以保守型層面對穩健 獲利層面影響力最大。最後藉由本研究結果,期望協助國小教師提昇理財素養,培養學生健全理財觀念,施行積極有效率的理財行為,此為本研究之最大貢獻。


This study aimed to explore financial literacy and financial behavior of elementary school teachers of Taichung City, and to analyze the divergence of their financial literacy and behavior due to variables of their different backgrounds; the relevant circumstances between the financial literacy and behavior are also studied. In the study, the data is collected by a self-designed questionnaire “Taichung City elementary school teachers'' financial literacy and financial behavior questionnaire.” The subjects are public elementary school teachers of Taichung City; with the total effective sample of 302 copies. Descriptive statistics analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis are used for data analysis. According to the results, conclusions of this study are as followed: 1. Elementary school teachers’ financial literacy tends to be "sound;" and most of their financial behavior sticks to “steady profitability;” their sensitivity of financial and economy is moderate. 2. Elementary school teachers with academic business background are more “active” in their financial literacy than those without business background. 3. Teachers from different administrative areas of the country tend to have different tendency of financial literacy. 4. Elementary school teachers with monthly cash balance tend to be more active in financial literacy. 5. Senior elementary school teachers are more sensitive in financial economy and regard it as important than junior ones. 6. Compared to married ones, unmarried elementary school teachers tend to pursue growth in financial behavior and extent. 7. Elementary school teachers with bachelor’s degree tend to pursue growth in financial behavior than those with doctor’s degree. 8. Those elementary school teachers who apply their energies to financial literacy show more positive financial behavior. 9. Elementary school teachers’ financial literacy can effectively explain the financial behavior; and the steady profitability dimension is affected the most by the conservative dimension. Finally, by the results of this study, look forward to assist elementary school teachers to enhance financial literacy, students sound financial management concepts, the implementation of positive and efficient financial management behavior, this be the greatest contribution of the study.


