  • 學位論文


Surveying the Cognitive, Anxiety Sensitivity and Coping Strategies of Occupational Hazards in Nursing Aides

指導教授 : 許哲瀚


照顧服務員的工作環境存在著許多造成職業危害的因子,他們往往在負責照顧住民時而忽略本身曝露的工作危害與健康影響。本研究旨在調查照顧服務員對職業危害認知、擔心程度與因應策略的現況,並探討各層面因子的關聯性。 研究對象為本國籍的照顧服務員,以立意取樣台中巿25家立案的安養機構與長期照護機構,共發出330份問卷,有效回收290份,有效回收率為88%。問卷內容包含基本資料、職業危害認知量表、擔心程度量表與因應策略量表施以測量。 受測的照顧服務員以女性為多數,並以41~50 歲、已婚、高中職以下、服務機構類別以護理之家及長期照顧機構比例最多、上全職固定班較多、工作年資1年(含)以上未滿5年之間、平均每週照顧住民時數以40小時~44小時、每日照顧住民人數以10人以下。其結果為(1)照顧服務員對職業危害的認知,平均得分由高至低依序為「生物性」、「人因工程性」、「物理性」、「化學性」、「心理社會性」;(2)照顧服務員對職業危害擔心程度,平均得分由高至低依序為「生物性」、「人因工程性」、「物理性」、「心理社會性」、「化學性」;(3)照顧服務員對職業危害的因應策略,以「情緒導向」使用頻率較「問題導向」為高;(4)照顧服務員對職業危害的認知在年齡、教育程度、機構類別及服務時數達顯著性差異;擔心程度在性別、機構類別、工作班別及服務時數達顯著性差異;因應策略則在教育程度、機構類別及服務人數達顯著性差異;(5)職業危害認知的程度愈高呈現愈佳的因應策略;(6)職業危害認知各層面與擔心程度各層面對因應策略皆具預測力。本結果可提供相關照護機構改善職場勞動環境及政策之參考,藉此促進照顧服務員職場健康及降低意外發生的機會。


The working environment of nursing aides presents many occupational hazards. However, nursing aides are so busy to caring residents that they often neglected the working hazards and their health effects. This study aims to survey the present status of cognitive of occupational hazard, anxiety sensitivity and coping strategies in nursing aides, as well as their correlation. The studying subjects were Taiwanese nursing aides. We used purposive sampling method to survey 25 nursing homes and long-term care facilities in Taichung City. 330 copies of questionnaire were delivered and effective returned copies were 290. The valid recovery rate was 88 %. The contents of measurement tools include demography information of subject, cognitive, anxiety sensitivity and coping strategies of occupational hazards. Demography data showed that the highest appearances were female, age of 41 to 50 year-old, married, high school graduates, service in nursing homes and long-term care institutions, full time workers, working experiences of one to less than five years, average 40 to 44 working hours per week and daily numbers of resident care of 10 and below. The results: (1) The average scores of cognitive of occupational hazards to nursing aides in descending orders were: biological, ergonomic, physical, chemical , psychological and social; (2) The average scores of anxiety sensitivity of occupational hazards to nursing aides in descending orders were: biological, ergonomic, physical, psychological and social, chemical; (3) "Emotional orientation" tend to had higher frequency than "problem-oriented" in the coping strategies of occupational hazards to nursing aides; (4)There were significant differences in the variables of age, graduation level, types of institution and working hours per week on cognitive of occupational hazards; in the variables of gender, types of institution, working shifts and working hours per week on anxiety sensitivity; in the variables of graduation level, types of institution and working hours per week on coping strategies; (5)The higher levels of cognitive showed the better of coping strategies of occupational hazards; (6)The dimensions of cognitive and anxiety sensitivity were significant correlated to coping strategies of occupational hazards. In order to promote the health of nursing aides and reduce the chances of accidents, institutions can note these result suggestions that should improve working environment and advise for reference.


