  • 學位論文


Aromatherapy for Pain, Emotional Distress and Sleep Quality in Cancer Patients Receiving Hospice Care: A Meta-Analysis

指導教授 : 楊其璇


癌症蟬聯國人十大死因第一位已30年之久,癌症患者在歷經疾病的過程中,常會伴隨著身體與心理上的不適及心靈上的困擾,除了接受常規的醫療外,輔助療法也是廣被接受的治療方法,芳香療法即是目前安寧病房中最常被使用的方法之ㄧ。本研究探討實證研究中芳香療法對接受安寧療護之癌症患者在疼痛、情緒困擾及睡眠品質的成效,以系統性回顧法,使用「芳香療法、安寧療護、疼痛、情緒困擾、睡眠品質」等關鍵字,搜尋發表於CINAHL、MEDLINE、The Cochrane Library、CEPS、GRB、台灣期刊論文索引及台灣博碩士論文加值系統等之相關文獻。 符合納入及排除條件之文章,經評讀後以Cochrane RevMan 5.0系統評估其研究品質在中等以上,並以CMA統計軟體分析研究中介入芳香療法之成效。結果顯示芳香療法對接受安寧療護之癌症患者的疼痛具中度改善成效,但在情緒困擾及睡眠品質方面統計上未達顯著,其綜合效果量分別為0.539(95% CI: 0.173~ 0.906)、-0.198(95% CI: -1.045~ 0.649)、0.621(95% CI: -0.498~ 1.739)。 芳香療法是使用便利及副作用少的輔助療法,本研究結果發現,芳香療法的介入對接受安寧療護之癌症患者具有改善疼痛的成效,期望此研究結果能提供臨床醫護專業者及末期患者族群相關芳香療法成效之訊息,以為緩解疼痛之參考,亦建議增加樣本數、制定標準化治療方案並降低疾病嚴重度等干擾因素,以作為未來研究之參考。


Cancer has been the first of the top ten leading causes of deaths in Taiwan for thirty years. During the sickness, patients are accompanied not only by the physiological discomforts but also the psychological disturbances. Therefore, other than traditional medical therapies, complementary therapies are also widely accepted. Aromatherapy is now one of the mostly used therapies in palliative care unit. The present study explored the effect of aromatherapy on pain, emotional distress and sleeping quality in cancer patients receiving hospice care. A systematic review was conducted by using keywords such as aromatherapy, hospice care, pain, emotional distress and sleeping quality to search related literatures at databases including CINAHL、MEDLINE、The Cochrane Library、CEPS、GRB、PerioPath: Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System, National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan, etc. Literautres were selected following the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and then were evaluated by Cochrane Collaboration’s Tool for Assessing Risk of Bias, and those with moderate research quality were further analyzed by statistical software Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 2.0 to evaluate the effect of aromatherapy. The results revealed that aromatherapy had moderate effect on improving the pain of cancer patients accepting hospice care, however, the effects on emotional distress and sleeping quality were not statistically significant, the effect size were 0.539 (95% CI: 0.173~ 0.906), -0.198 (95% CI: -1.045~ 0.649), 0.621 (95% CI: -0.498~ 1.739), respectively. Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy that is convenient and of few side effect. The present study suggested that aromatherapy has effect on improving the pain of cancer patients who are accepting hospice care. The result could serve us a reference for professional health care personnel and patients of terminal cancer about approach of easing the pain. For further investigation, increasing sample size, establishing of standard treatment protocols, and reducing confounding factors (e.g. disease severity) are suggested.




