  • 學位論文


The Research of the Kindergarten''s Management Strategy to the Fewer Newborns Tendency in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 林海清


本研究旨在探討少子化趨勢下幼兒園經營策略之研究調查,本研究設計採問卷調查法。研究者參考相關文獻、教育行政專家及現職幼教園所長的意見編製成「少子化趨勢下幼兒園經營策略之研究調查問卷」,以了解本研究所欲探討之目的。 為了研究目的,針對中部四縣市2009年幼兒園總計757所。抽取1/3的托兒園所數,計抽取252所園所,總計抽取756位教保人員填答調查問卷。本研究所得資料以SPSS軟體中的平均數、標準差與Pearson積差相關等統計方法,進行統計分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、少子化趨勢下幼兒園教保人員學校行政經營策略認知上最高為「人際 溝通」。 二、少子化趨勢下幼兒園教保人員教學經營策略認知上最高為「適性教學」。 三、不同個人背景變項之幼兒園教保人員在學校經營之差異程度為: (一)不同年齡之之幼兒園教保人員在學校經營有部分顯著差異。 (二)不同教育程度之之幼兒園教保人員在學校經營有顯著差異。 (三)不同職稱之幼兒園教保人員在學校經營有顯著差異。 (四)不同園所規模之幼兒園教保人員在學校經營有顯著差異。 (五)不同園所地區之幼兒園教保人員在學校經營有顯著差異。 四、不同個人背景變項之幼兒園教保人員在教學經營策略有部分顯著差異 (一)不同年齡之之幼兒園教保人員在教學經營有顯著差異。 (二)不同教育程度之之幼兒園教保人員在教學經營有顯著差異。 (三)不同職稱之幼兒園教保人員在教學經營有顯著差異。 (四)不同園所規模之幼兒園教保人員在教學經營未達顯著差異。 (五)不同園所地區之幼兒園教保人員在教學經營有顯著差異。 五、少子化趨勢下幼兒園教保人員學校經營與教學經營為正相關 六、不同年齡與不同職務之教育人員在行政經營策略之交互作用達顯著。 七、不同年齡與不同職務之教育人員在教學經營策略之交互作用達顯著 八、不同學校規模與不同學校地區之教育人員在行政經營策略之交互作用 達顯著 九、不同學校規模與不同學校地區之教育人員在教學經營策略上之交互作 用尚未達顯著。


經營策略 幼兒園 少子化


The purpose of this study was to investigate the managerial strategies for preschools coping with the trend in declining birth rate. The instrument was a self–designed questionnaire based on related references and the suggestions of educational experts and the directors in preschools. Through the results of analysis, the managerial strategies for preschools under the trend in declining birth rate were discussed. This study focused on the preschools from three counties and one city in central Taiwan in 2009, and one-third of 757 preschools were selected. There were 756 early childhood educators from 252 preschools as target participants. The questionnaires were statistically analyzed through the uses of SPSS12.0 software and Pearson’s product-moment correlation. The findings are listed as follows: 1. Among the managerial strategies for preschools under the trend in the declining birth date, the knowledge of “interpersonal communication” is most frequently used in administrative measures taken by the early childhood educators. 2. Among the managerial strategies for preschools under the trend in the declining birth date, the knowledge of “adaptive instruction” is most frequently used in teaching measures taken by the early childhood educators. 3. Partial differences are found in preschool managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different background variables. They are: (1) Partially significant differences exist in preschool managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different ages. (2) Significant differences exist in preschool managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different academic levels. (3) Significant differences exist in preschool managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different positions. (4) Significant differences exist in preschool managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different preschool sizes. (5) Significant differences exist in preschool managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different preschool locations. 4. Partial differences are found in teaching managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different background variables. They are: (1) Significant differences exist in teaching managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different ages. (2) Significant differences exist in teaching managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different academic levels. (3) Significant differences exist in teaching managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different positions. (4) No significant differences exist in teaching managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different preschool sizes. (5) Significant differences exist in teaching managerial strategies among the early childhood educators by different preschool locations. 5. Positive correlations are found between the preschool managerial strategies and the teaching managerial strategies adopted by the early childhood educators in response to declining birth rates. 6. Significant correlations are found in the interaction of preschool managerial strategies used by the early childhood educators by different ages with those by different positions. 7. Significant correlations are found in the interaction of teaching managerial strategies used by the early childhood educators by different ages with those by different positions. 8. Significant correlations are found in the interaction of preschool managerial strategies used by the early childhood educators by different sizes with those by different locations. 9. No significant correlations are found in the interaction of teaching managerial strategies used by the early childhood educators by different sizes with those by different locations.




