  • 學位論文

「臨床護理輔導員制度」於新進護理人員 之工作壓力、工作滿意度和離職意向探討

Implementation of Nursing Preceptorship on Work-related Stress, Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of New Nurses

指導教授 : 張明正 謝淑惠


本研究旨在探討「臨床護理輔導員制度」於新進護理人員之工作壓力、工作滿意度和離職意向探討。研究方法採用後測設計,立意取樣選取中部某醫學中心剛到職之新進護理人員為樣本(N=100),再以隨機抽樣將研究對象分為「實驗組」及「對照組」,分別於新進護理人員到職滿第一個月、第二個月、第三個月時進行三次結構式問卷收案。本研究收集時間為西元2006年 05月01 日到西元2006年07月 31日。研究工具含臨床護理人員工作壓力源問卷量表、護理工作滿意度問卷量表和離職意向問卷。研究統計以描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、oneway ANOVA、逐步複迴歸和羅吉斯迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示三個月共離職36位,離職率為26.5%。臨床護理輔導員介入與否,呈現實驗組和對照組間到職滿第2個月的工作壓力感受大於到職滿第3個月和到職滿第1個月。兩組間比較發現,實驗組的三個月工作壓力感受皆大於對照組。實驗組和對照組之間在到職滿第3個月的工作壓力有輕度的顯著差異,次量表之「知識技巧」、「工作本身」、「行政管理」都有輕微不同程度之差異性,實驗組的工作壓力感受並顯著大於對照組。實驗組和對照組之對工作滿意度之重視程度呈現重度重視程度,而滿意程度僅呈現中度滿意程度,而比較兩組3個月以來的工作滿意度結果並無顯著的差異性。新進護理人員工作壓力預測因子為工作滿意度之「滿意程度」和「重視程度」、「護士職級」、「有宗教信仰者」,總解釋力為20%;新進護理人員工作滿意度之重視程度的預測因子為「有宗教信仰者」,總解釋力為19%;新進護理人員工作滿意度之滿意程度的預測因子為「人際關係」、「有宗教信仰者」、「工作環境」,總解釋力為21%;新進護理人員離職意向的預測因子為「工作壓力」、工作滿意度之「滿意程度」,總解釋力為43%。因此,護理主管應強化臨床護理輔導員的輔導能力,以便增加新進護理人員的留任意願。


The purpose of this study was to explore the implementation of nursing preceptionship on work-related stress, satisfaction and turnover intention of new nurses. And, it also compared with the difference of the work-related stress , satisfaction and turnover intention of new nurses without nursing preceptionship. The post-test study design was basically applied. Participants were randomly distribution into an experimental group and a control group to collect data. The new nurses in experimental group were trained by the preceptors for three months, while the new nurses received without preceptors in a control group. Participants who were engaged in this research came from the medical center in middle Taiwan. A total of one hundred new nurses that met the selection criteria were recruited in. There were 70 subjects in the experimental group and 30 subjects in the control group. Reliable questionnaires will be used, such as: All the new nurses filled out the questionnaire that was included work-related stress scale work-related satisfaction scale, and turnover intention scale in first month, second month, and last month. The data collected dates from May/2006 to July/2006. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, χ2, independent t-test, oneway ANOVA, stepwise regression and logistic regression. The results show that the thirsty-six patients (26.5%) were to leave them job during three months. In new nurses’ work-related stress, the experimental group great than control group, including “knowledge & skill”, “job tasks”, and “Administration” of subscale. The predictions of new nurses’ work-related stress are “satisfaction”, “respect” “nurse” “religion”, ( R2 = 20%); the predictions of new nurses’ work-related respect is “religion”, ( R2 = 19%); the predictions of new nurses’ work-related satisfaction are “personal relationship”, “religion”, “working environment”, ( R2 = 21%); the predictions of new nurses’ turnover intention are “satisfaction”, and “respect” ( R2 = 43%). Therefore, for retain the new nurses, nursing administrators should enhance preceptors’ counseling ability.


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