  • 學位論文


Emotions in Market Segmentation: A Study of Malaysian Overseas Chinese Students and Promotion of Tourism in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李偉權


旅遊業不但是賺取外匯的無煙工業,尚可為地方製造無數就業機會。過去政府雖然推動各項提升來台旅客人次之計劃,唯礙於政治因素及推展策略無法奏效,導致成果不甚理想。若和鄰近國家比較,來台旅客人次更是相形見絀。 「情感」(Emotion) 是影響消費者的購買決策的重要因素之一,也影響消費者的滿意度以及再次購買意願。情感亦可作為休閒觀光市場區隔的一項變數,遊客與觀光地點之間的特殊情感,可能影響其滿意度及忠誠度。然而在休閒觀光產業領域中,以情感作為觀光市場區隔之研究非常匱乏。由於僑生來台就學的過程中對台灣的人事物均存在著一份情感,這份情感不僅可能引發其日後重返台灣旅遊或參與母校活動,甚至也可能影響其親友來台旅遊。有鑑於此,本論文主要透過畢業僑生之問卷調查,探討情感因素在區隔台灣觀光產業之可行性。 本論文以馬來西亞留台學生為研究對象,應用結構方程模式探討彼等對台情感程度與來台旅遊意願、滿意度以及忠誠度之關係,同時分析馬來西亞留台學生所喜愛的旅遊參與型態。研究結果顯示,馬來西亞留台學生對留台期間皆存在顯著正面情感,對再次返台旅遊意願極高,尤其是對台灣情感程度較高之畢業生。本研究雖然僅以馬來西亞籍僑生作為調查對象,其結論或可延伸至其他國籍之留台僑生,以情感作為訴求,吸引更多海外僑生及其親友來台旅遊。


Developing tourism is an important economic activity to improve local economies. Although Taiwan governments have planed a serious of policies to enhance the current tourism industries, the results and effects are not obvious. Existing studies have shown emotional responses of consumers affect their purchase decisions. Moreover, some studies have also shown that emotions affect the degrees of satisfaction and willingness of re-purchase. Thus emotion would be one segment factor of tourism markets. The relationships and emotional experiences between tourists and tourism destinations influence satisfaction and loyalty. However, the studies discuss emotion and tourism industries are seldom available. In Taiwan, there are a number of overseas students. Theirs emotions to Taiwan may drive them to visit Taiwan again. Furthermore, they may also promote Taiwan to their friends. Therefore, this thesis focuses on Malaysian overseas students who had studied in Taiwan to discuss the relationships among their emotions, motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty. The research model investigates the relevant relationships among the constructs by using structural equation modeling approach. Moreover, this thesis also discusses their favorite travel pattern. The research results show that Malaysian overseas students who have more positive emotions to Taiwan have more willingness to visit Taiwan. The results also successfully demonstrate that emotion is an important segment factor.


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