  • 學位論文


Research on the Marketing Strategies of Private Senior High Schools in Middle Taiwan

指導教授 : 許志賢 李明榮


本論文研製之主旨在調查台灣中部地區私立高級中等學校行銷策略之現況、認知之重要程度及遭遇困難的因素,研究結果可提供私立高級中等學校在推行行銷策略時之參考。本研究結果以台灣中部地區計二十七所私立高級中等學校,對象以學校政策決定的董事(長)代表、祕書與學校策略實際擬定與運作的人員為校長、教務主任、學務主任、總務主任、輔導主任、實習主任、人事主任及會計主任等10人為研究對象,以立意取樣及普查取樣等二種方式實施問卷調查,以自編「私立高級中等學校行銷策略之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,內容包含:基本資料、學校概況調查、學校行銷認知程度量表,調查期間共發出問卷270份,回收200份,可用問卷為160份可用率為80.00%。為達本研究目的及驗證獨立樣本之考驗假設之需,本研究將回收之有效樣本以描述統計、項目分析、因素分析、t考驗檢定、單因子變異數分析統計方法進行資料分析,結果發現: 一、私立高級中等學校行銷策略的現況分析: (一)私立高級中等學校招生部門大多由相關處室兼任。 (二)私立高級中等學校公關部門大多由相關處室兼任。 (三)學校主要定位在升學,技能次之。 (四)學校選擇學生的主要區隔標準主要在學生學業表現。 (五)認為最有效的行銷活動依次為,「派人員至國中宣導」、「請國中學生到校參觀」、「參加各項升學博覽會」、「利用電話訪問」、「舉辦招生說明會」。 (六)學校推動行銷活動時遭遇困難依次為「沒有專職人員」、「經費不足」、「專職人員專業能力有限」。 二、有關不同背景變項對私立高級中等學校之行銷策略: (一)私立高級中等學校不同職稱的董事(長)及校長、主任對於行銷策略並沒有差異。 (二)私立高級中等學校不同學歷的碩士以上、學士對於行銷策略分層面的「產品」中,碩士以上比學士更重視。 (三)私立高級中等學校不同學校類別在「通路」分層面上,高職和普通高中附設高職及綜合高中比一般高中更為重視。 (四)私立高級中等學校不同學校座落(省轄市、縣轄市、鄉鎮地區)在「產品」分層上,縣轄市大於鄉鎮地區;在「推廣」分層上,縣轄市大於省轄市;在「通路」分層上,鄉鎮地區縣轄市大於省轄市。 (五)私立高級中等學校不同學校規模在「產品」、「價格」、「推廣」、「實體呈現」分層面,未具有顯著差異,但在「通路」分層,有顯注差異,事後比較後「2,001~3,000人」大於「3,001~4,000人」。


The purposes of this research are to describe the current situation of the marketing strategies that are being used in the private senior high schools in middle Taiwan, and the degree of the importance of the marketing strategies that are recognized, and also to discover the reasons why it is hard to carry out the marketing strategies. The findings of this research may provide lots of useful references for administrators in private senior high schools to make good use of the marketing strategies. In total, 27 schools were investigated. The 10 main types of the respondents are the school administrative personnel who decide the school policies, such as board of directors, secretaries, as well as those who execute the policies, such as Principals, Directors of Academic Affairs, Directors of Student Affairs, Directors of General Affairs, Directors of Student Counsels, Directors of Practice, Directors of Personnel, and Directors of Accounting. A total of 270 self-developed questionnaires were distributed, 200 were collected, and 160 were useful. The effective rate was 80%. The results are as follows: I. The current situation of the marketing strategies that are being used in the private senior high schools in middle Taiwan: (1) Directors of Recruiting Department mostly hold a concurrent post in a related department. (2) Directors of Public Relations mostly hold a concurrent post in a related department. (3) Schools mostly position themselves in helping students pursue higher education first, and skill-training second. (4) Students’ study performance is the main standard for schools to choose their students. (5) The most effective marketing strategies are considered as “sending personnel to junior high schools for recruiting”, “inviting junior-high-school students to visit the school”, “participating in the exposition of entering senior high schools”, “using telephone surveys”, “holding recruiting seminars”. (6) The reasons why it is hard to carry out the marketing strategies are “short of full-time personnel”, “short of funds”, and “limited specialized ability of full-time personnel”. II. The degree of the importance of the marketing strategies that are recognized in private senior high schools. (1) No differences were found among the degree of importance of the marketing strategies that are recognized by various personnel in private senior high schools. (2) The personnel with master or higher degrees value more on the “products” of marketing mix than those with bachelor degrees. (3) “Place” of marketing mix is more valued by vocational schools or comprehensive schools than ordinary high schools. (4) Schools located in the city value more on the “Products” of marketing mix than those located in the countryside. Schools located in the city value more on the “Promotion” of marketing mix than those located in the province. Schools located in the countryside value more on the “Place” of marketing mix than those located in the province. (5) No “Products”, “Prices”, “Promotions”, and “Physical Presents” of different sizes of private senior high school. However, significant difference were found in ”Place”. The schools with students between 2001 and 3000 are bigger than those with students between 3001 and 4000.


施挀典(2005)。學校行銷策略之探討。學校行政雙月刊, 36。


