  • 學位論文


A Study on the Quality and Satisfaction of Life Insurance Industry by Kano Model

指導教授 : 蔡碩倉 博士


近年來國民所得的提昇與風險意識提高,民眾對人壽保險商品需求與日俱增,根據中華民國人壽保險同業公會統計資料,2004年度壽險有效契約保費收入高逹1兆3,085億元,投保率為166.3%,平均毎人即擁有1.6張保單。在如此龐大商機卻又競爭激烈的經營環境中,若能改善民眾對傳統「拉保險」的負面觀念,進而提昇服務品質,方有機會成為保戶心目中所青睞的壽險業者。因此,以顧客角度出發找出其心中真正的服務品質,成為壽險保單之依據,不但能在競爭激烈的壽險市場中避免流血衝突的惡性競爭,更可提供市場差異化行銷之藍海策略。本文藉由Kano二維品質模式探討壽險業之服務品質屬性,並進一步分析使用滿意度,找出可增加滿意及減少不滿意的品質項目。 研究結果發現: 一、在Kano二維品質歸類方面: 國內壽險保戶對壽險業者所提供之服務品質仍以傳統的「一元品質」仍然佔多數地位,對國內壽險業推動「 二維品質」概念仍有長足的進步發展空間。 二、壽險服務品質滿意度方面:不同人口統計變數影響壽險保戶對壽險業品質滿意度 ,其中以「月所得」對滿意度造成顯著差異影響的因素最多。 三、人口統計變數與投保行為之關聯性方面:不同的人口統計變數對投保行為有不同的影響,其中以「月所得」與「年齡」所造成的影響因素最多。 針對以上發現之建議方案:積極策略為針對「注重顧客權益」、「快速理賠服務」、「商品價格合理」、「業務員保險事故處理能力」及「公司獲國家服務品質獎」等五個品質項目提供適切的服務品質及業務人員教育訓練;保守策略為提昇「公司服務據點」的品質項目;降低成本策略則應朝「公司現代化設備」、「公司文宣設計」、「公司廣告」及「商品完整、多樣化」四個品質項目思考節流之道。


During these years, people’s needs toward life insurance are expanding due to the increase of GDP and risk consciousness. According to the statistical data of Insurance Trade Association of Republic of China, in year 2004, the income of valid life insurance contract is up to 1.3 trillion, the rate of taking out insurance policy is 166.3% and each individual owns 1.6 insurance policy in average. If we can amend people’s traditional concept of insurance industry in such a potential and competitive business environment, and try to improve our service in order to become the best-known insurance company among all the insurants. So we have to stand on consumer’s side and think what they’re thinking in order to find out the service they truly need. In accordance with this, we can not only prevent keen competition in this highly competitive life insurance market but also to provide the Blue Ocean Policy based on market differences. This article discusses the properties of Service Quality in life insurance market by Kano Two-Dimentional Quality Mode and further analyzes the degree of satisfaction after using in order to add satisfactory items and delete unsatisfactory items. The outcome of the research: 1、Kano Two-Dimentional Quality Mode: Domestic life insurants still account for the majority of traditional “One-Dimentional Quality Mode ”. Their concept towards“ Two-Dimentional Quality Mode” still needs plenty of time and space to develop. 2、Satisfaction of Life Insurance Service Quality: The statistics of various population affect the satisfaction of life insurance service quality. Among them, “monthly income” is one of the factors that has the most obvious effect power. 3、The relation between variables of statistics of population and insuring behavior : The difference in the variables of statistics of population has a distinct effect on insuring behavior. “Monthly income” and “age” are the two factors that have the most affecting power. Based on above-mentioned suggestion plans, the construction policies to be aimed at are “emphasis on clients ’ rights and interests”, “rapid compensating service”, “reasonable commodity prices”, “the consulting ability of sales representatives towards insurance accidents” and “the aim for our company to gain National Service Quality award”…etc. in order to provide suitable service quality and educational training to sale representatives. “Branch Service Company” is one of the conservative policies. For cost-cutting policies, we should aim at “Up-to-date company equipment”, “promotion design”, “company commercials” and “commodity integration and diversity”




