  • 學位論文


A Quick Roll Call System For Class Attendance With Mobile Smartphone

指導教授 : 朱學亭


無線通訊的進步一日千里,現在大部份的學生都擁有手機。同時,各大學院校也紛紛打造校園無線區域網路的環境。隨著雙網(無線區域網路及行動電話網路)的快速普及,能同時利用無線區域網路及行動電話網路的智慧型手機(Smartphone)將成為未來每一個人重要的日常配備。 在目前的教育體制下,點名機制是不可或缺的,老師透過點名以清楚的掌握學生的出缺席率,並有效的促使學生到校求學的意願,而以往的點名方式大致上分為:唱名方以以及傳閱點名單方式,而以唱名方式為例:倘若有五十位學生,老師點完一位學生需耗費五秒,五十位學生則需花費二百五十秒的時間才能完成整個點名之動作,若使用傳閱方式,則所需花費的時間比唱名所花費的時間高出許多。 為了有效的解決此一問題,本研究希望能藉由Smartphone之運用,來實做出點名系統以簡化煩雜的點名過程,透過老師之畫面啟動此系統並以抽像化之圖形來做為點名之鑰匙,學生則透過自己的Smartphone經由網路連結到此套系統並選擇與老師畫面相同之圖形來點名,目的是希望藉由圖形之多樣化、抽像化以及無法用言語來敍述之特性使學生無法用投機取巧之方式來簽到。讓點名時間大大的縮短且變的更有趣,相對的老師也能即時的查詢學生出缺席之狀況。


Class attendance is an important part of the academic program in the school. Attendance provides possible that interaction between student and teacher which is the base of the educational system. However, the process of calling the roll costs extra time for both instructors and students. An instructor has to check the absence of each student with the class roster one by one. Thus, a quick roll call system was developed in this thesis. We exploit the convenience of mobile phones to check the attendance of students. The instructor begins the roll call process by pressing the buttons of his/her mobile phone, and then the students respond their attendance also by pressing the buttons of their mobile phones simultaneously. The proposed system is time-saving. However, it meets two problems. First is the heterogeneity of mobile phones. The instructor and students may own different phone set. Thus our system has to work on heterogeneous mobile phone sets. We assume all of the mobile phones will become smartphones in the near future. Each smartphone can access our roll call system via the Internet and the WLAN. Second, we must ensure the correctness of the roll call system from fake attendance response of some absent students outside the classroom. We use pictures to identify whether a student did a correct response of roll call request from the instructor. The students see the picture in the screen of the instructor’s phone set, and then pick out the same picture among several pictures in the screen of their own phone set. The permutation of pictures is various in different phone sets. As a result, we can prevent fake attendance response.


Smartphone Wireless Network


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