  • 學位論文


A Study of Key Success Factors of Golf Range based on Resource-Based Theory

指導教授 : 游雅雯


本論文研製之高爾夫練習場經營關鍵成功因素一文,擬探討高爾夫球練習場經營的關鍵成功因素,及如何效率化高爾夫球練習場的經營管理以作為其他業者經營時之參考,並使練習場了解自身是否有效運用其資源優勢。 本文依據Verdin and Williamson(1992) 以資源基礎理論提出的競爭優勢資產架構,在高爾夫練習場經營競爭優勢資產中劃分為五大類,分別為顧客型資產、通路型資產、投入型資產、人力資源資產、一般型資產。透過階層分析法分析得知經營高爾夫練習場其關鍵的成功要素是練習場與消費者之間關係的經營,透過練習場在顧客之間的高知名度、良好的服務口碑與低廉的收費標準即能促使顧客長期忠於同一練習場並帶動市場佔有率,最後若練習場在與高爾夫相關產業進行結盟,諸如:高爾夫服飾、高爾夫球具等,必能提升消費者意願前往該練習場消費。換句話說,以上關鍵成功因素之間是環環相扣,每一因素皆會帶動另一因素的形成,進而效率化整個練習場的經營管理績效。 最後依據所得結論提供經營者相關建議,並呼籲政府主管機關能重視體育休閒的重要性,並為日後的後續研究提供建議方向。


The key success factors of golf range operation are the main focus of the study. The study discovers the efficiency of how golf range is operated and understands how golf ranges effectively use of its resources. This study is based on Verdin and Williamson’s (1992) resource based theory of competitive advantage, competitive advantages in the golf range are divided into five main categories/criteria. Through AHP analysis it showed that the key success factors on operating a golf range is mainly based on the relationship of its consumers, good management of the high-profile customers, good reputation and low service charges will increase long-term customer loyalty and boost the market share of the golf range. Another interesting result also pointed out the good relationship with golf-related industries or forming alliances will increase consumer spending at the golf range, which may possible enhance the efficiency of the operating management for the golf range. Finally, based on the conclusions and recommendations provided from the managers or operators, we concluded the importance or attention for operating a golf range, and follow by future direction of operating a golf range.


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