  • 學位論文


Meeting at Tzu Chi: A Narrative Research of Female Parent-child Community Class Teachers’ Life Course

指導教授 : 童秋霞


中文摘要 社會賦予女性角色的多元化,凸顯現代職業婦女在生活與工作上的困境;然而研究者發現身處志願服務團體中的女性教師,承擔扮演「母親」、「妻子」、「工作者」及「自我」等多種角色,在持續不間斷的志工路上,仍然樂觀知足面對現實生活中一次又一次的淬鍊,享受每一刻的生命學習。 有鑑於此,本研究以四位女性教師之生命歷程為研究主體,旨在探討社區親子成長班女性教師參與志願服務的影響因素,以及女性教師多了一種志工身份,對於她們的生命歷程又會產生什麼樣的影響?試圖讓女性教師參與社區親子成長班的始末緣由更加清晰可循。 「凡走過必留下痕跡」,依循女性教師的生命故事進行探究與詮釋,本研究歸納出下列結論: 一、女性教師的生命故事是人與環境多元互動的歷程。 二、原生家庭傳遞正向能量,女性教師勇於面對挑戰。 三、生命中的重要他人總能為生活帶來無窮的希望。 四、生活中的關鍵事件是上天給予最好的生命禮物。 五、女性教師流露的母愛慈暉守護如幼苗般的孩子。 六、溫暖自在的團體氛圍,是一股溫柔的牽引呼喚。 七、從無所求的付出中增長福慧,澤及家庭與工作。 八、受到精神導師懿德嘉行的感召,化小愛為大愛。 最後,根據研究結論與發現,提出啟示以及後續研究的建議。


Abstract Society gives women many diverse roles. Modern career women have many dilemmas in life and work. The researcher found that female teachers in volunteer service organizations carried out different roles such as “mother,” “wife,” “worker,” and “self” in positive ways despite the challenges of real life. They enjoy every moment of learning while engaging in volunteer service. The study subjects were the life courses of four female teachers. The objective was to discuss the causes of the teacher’s participation in parent-child community classes and to explore if there was any effect on their own life courses after adding one more role of “volunteer.” The goal of the study was to find the causes and the results of their participation in community parent-child growth classes. “Whenever a walker passes by, a trail will be left.” The life stories of four female teachers were explored and interpreted. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The life stories of female teachers are the process of interactions in all aspects. 2. Family of origin supports positive strength so that female teachers are brave enough to face challenges. 3. Significant others in life always bring endless hope. 4. Critical incidents in life are the best gifts from God. 5. Mother’s love revealed by female teachers protects seeding-like children. 6. The warm and comfortable atmosphere in groups is a tender impelling. 7. From unconditional dedication to increase happiness, wisdom and promote one’s family and work. 8. Being touched by spiritual teachers’ grand kindness, turn one’s love into greater dedication. Based on results and conclusion, the study proposed inspiration and provided suggestions for follow-up research.


朱慧萍、饒夢霞(2000)。大學轉變科系學生生涯決定歷程。教育心理學報,32 (1),41-66。


