  • 學位論文


Breeding, disease control and ethanol fermentation of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench

指導教授 : 林俊義


摘要   近年來,原料開採促使科技發展迅速,提升生活素質也縮短交通,然石油的開採日漸耗盡,迫使人類尋求替代能源,因此生質能源成為新一代熱門研究。生質能源又可分為生質酒精與生質柴油,生質酒精方面,是利用作物的糖分及澱粉轉化為酒精。目前世界各國投入生質酒精之研究所使用的作物有玉米、甘蔗、甘藷及甜高粱等。由於前三者的利用易造成糧食危機及物價提升,因此選用非糧食作物為主要的研究方向,甜高粱成為新一代生質酒精的寵兒。   甜高粱為籽實高粱的變種,植株高大,生質量 (biomass) 極高,莖桿中富含高糖分,甜度可達 18° 以上,同時也可宿根栽培,因此利用甜高粱汁液轉換酒精是目前研究的方向。但是甜高粱栽培期間,會與籽實高粱有相同的病害,易影響植株產量及品質。故本試驗對於甜高粱田間栽培、病害防治與醱酵酒精進行探討。   田間栽培結果,由劉新裕博士提供之品系選取出甜度 15° 以上品系有 SI-06、SI-07、SI-09A、SOR-003、SOR-004、SC-07 及 SC-13 等 7 種品系,另農試所種原庫提供之品系中選取高甜度品系有 950、6973、7073、7080、8283、9911、14463、18758、18782 及 23589 等 10 種品系。病害防治研究發現以賽普護汰寧可完全抑制 Colletotrichum graminicola (炭疽病菌) 及 Bipolaris sorghicola (葉斑病菌);腈硫醌可完全抑制 Colletotrichum graminicola (炭疽病菌) 及 Curvularia (葉斑病菌);待普克利可抑制 Alternaria sp. (黑斑病菌)、Colletotrichum graminicola (炭疽病菌) 及 Curvularia lunata (黑斑病菌) 達 85% 以上;鋅錳乃浦亦可完全抑制 Alternaria sp. (黑斑病菌)、Curvularia lunata (黑斑病菌)、Bipolaris sorghicola (葉斑病菌) 及 Colletotrichum graminicola (炭疽病菌) 為害。 在酵母菌Saccharomyces cerevisiae菌株的篩選中,試驗菌株 YB-1 在產製乙醇中有較高的能力。而在合適條件中,將培養溫度控制在 35℃,酵母菌生長環境的酸鹼值調整為 pH6,接種酵母菌於不同碳源培養基的量為 1%,醱酵時間控制為 2 天,有較高的乙醇產量。   利用上述挑選之合適條件進行醱酵甜高粱汁液,不論有無經過滅菌處理,乙醇產量並沒有太大的差異,乙醇濃度在品系 SI-07、SI-09A 及 6973 分別為有滅菌:6.7、5.5 及 2.1%;未滅菌:6.6、5.5 及 2.1% 。調查不同生長期的甜高粱莖汁甜度,發現在種子成熟後放置 15 天甜度較高,對於醱酵乙醇也會有更高的產量。SI-07、SI-09A 及 6973 品系,種植於中部之乙醇產量分別為屏東乙醇產量的 1.04、1.64 以及 2.89 倍。    關鍵字:甜高粱、生質酒精、生質能、炭疽病、黑斑病


甜高粱 生質酒精 生質能 炭疽病 黑斑病


Abstract   Depletion of natural oil forces human beings to seek alternative sources of energy. A new generation of biomass energy has become popular studied. Biomass energy can usually be divided into the bioethanol and biodiesel, ethanol is fermented from sugar and starch crops which include maize, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, sweet sorghum and so on. As the first three could easily lead to the food crisis and price increasing, non-food crops such as sweet sorghum had become the darling of next-generation bioethanol in Taiwan.   Sweet sorghum is the mutant of seed sorghum, its stem rich in high-sugar content up to 18° Brix. The studies are trying to breed higher brix of sweet sorghum lines, to develop the control methods for main diseases, and to understand the fermentation conditions for ethanol production from selected sweet sorghums.   Seven (SI-06, SI-07, SI-09A, SOR-003, SOR-004, SC-07 and SC-13) and ten (950, 6973, 7073, 7080, 8283, 9911, 14463, 18758, 18782 and 23589) high brix lines (>15°) were selected from Dr. Lin’s collections and National Plant Genetic Resources Center individually.   Disease control studies revealed that Colletotrichum graminicola and Bipolaris sorghicola were completely inhibited by Sapp, Colletotrichum graminicola and Curvularia lunata were also completely inhibited by Dithianon, more a 85% of Colletotrichum graminicola, Curvularia lunata and Alternaria were inhibited by Pukli, and Alternaria, Colletotrichum graminicola, Curvularia lunata, Bipolaris sorghicola were completely inhibited by Maneb.   The line YB-1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae had higher ability in ethanol fermentation comparing to the other four lines. In the appropriate conditions, of culture temperature at 35 ℃, pH value at 6, culture concentration at 1%, fermented 2 days, had higher ethanol production.   Under above appropriate conditions for fermentation of sweet sorghum, ethanol yields were found also same in sterilized and non sterilized juice. The ethanol yields fermentation from above three lines(SI-07, SI-09A and 6973) in sterilized were 6.7, 5.5, 2.1% and non sterilized were 6.6, 5.5, 2.1%, respectively. The studies on different growth stages of sweet sorghum showed that the stem juice of 15 days after seed maturity were sweeter and higher ethanol yield of fermentation. SI-07, SI-09A and 6973 lines were planted in different areas of Taiwan, the results revealed the ethanol yields fermentation from above three lines(SI-07, SI-09A and 6973)grown in central Taiwan were 1.04, 1.64 and 2.84 folds compared to grown on south of Taiwan, respectively. Keywords: sweet sorghum, bioethanol, disease, fermentation


sweet sorghum bioethanol disease fermentation


383期,頁 20-27
Bai, F.W., Anderson, W. A., Moo-Young, M. (2008). Ethanol fermentation
