  • 學位論文


Building a Chinese Writing E-learning System Based on Mastery Learning Theory- A Case Study of Chinese Punctuation

指導教授 : 陳啟東 周永振


摘要 現在的學生寫作能力不佳一直是備受關注的議題,包括用字遣詞不當、文句未能通順達意、文章結構不完整、立意取材偏離主題及誤用標點符號等,其中標點符號在文章中扮演著豐富文句的情緒表達和正確闡述文句意義的角色,若使用錯誤,可能會導致讀者會錯意而發生不必要的誤會情事,因此其重要性可見一斑,不可不加以重視。 隨著資訊科技的不斷發展及網路使用成本日趨平價,網路已普及到日常生活的每個角落。「數位學習」即是一種新興的學習方式,並逐漸廣泛應用於各種教學活動。本研究探討使用「精熟學習理論」建置「中文寫作數位學習系統」,以提供學生多元學習文章寫作的管道,同時分析我們所提供之數位學習系統之成效,而由於文章寫作之能力養成涵蓋甚廣,本研究僅就「中文標點符號使用」為討論對象。本數位學習系統結合學生喜愛使用電腦的特性,加上教材具有互動多媒體的功能,可以提升學生的學習動機及專注力,且能依據學生的個別差異,給予適性化學習,以精熟課程內容。 本研究共建置二套中文標點符號數位學習系統:數位學習系統一(有前測)和數位學習系統二(無前測),實驗組A班使用數位學習系統ㄧ進行學習,實驗組B班使用數位學習系統二進行學習,控制組C班則以傳統教師教學進行學習。研究結果顯示,透過數位系統學習標點符號比傳統課堂教學具有更佳的教學成效,而二套數位學習系統中又以數位學習系統二成效較佳。


Abstract The inadequacy of contemporary students’ writing skills, such as inappropriate or inaccurate word choice, sentence fragments, incomplete article structuring, deviation from designated topics, as well as incorrect use of punctuation, is a highly debated educational issue. In particular, the use of correct punctuation is a crucial element for delivering relevant emotions and accurate messages; incorrect use may lead readers to misinterpret the meaning of a passage in question. Thus, the importance of correct punctuation requires more attention. Modern technological advancements and increasingly affordable Internet access have enabled the Internet to permeate nearly every aspect of our daily lives. In particular, “digital learning” has become a popular new approach to studying in all kinds of educational activities. This study examines the creation of the Chinese Writing E-Learning System, based on the mastery learning theory, as a diversified platform for students to study writing. In addition, we analyze the effectiveness of E-Learning System by focusing on teaching correct use of punctuation in the Chinese language. The E-Learning System incorporates students’ habitual use of personalized computers with interactive multimedia teaching materials with the aim of enhancing motivation and concentration in studying writing by adopting the adaptive learning approach according to the individual studying preferences of each student. Two e-learning systems for correct punctuation marking in the Chinese language were created for this study: E-Learning System 1 (with pre-testing) and E-Learning System 2 (without pre-testing). During laboratory testing, Team A used E-Learning System 1, Team B used E-Learning System 2, and Team C proceeded with the traditional classroom studying approach. The testing shows the E-Learning Systems teaching methods achieved more effective results in comparison with the traditional classroom approach. In addition, E-Learning System 2 exhibited better results than E-Learning System 1.


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