  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Team Image, Team Identity and Fans’ Purchase Intention: Case of Brother ELEPHANTS’s Fans after the Match Fixing

指導教授 : 張庭彰


職棒打球案對於我國職棒發展產生了嚴重傷害,造成球迷嚴重流失;而一向形象良好的兄弟象也因假球案造成嚴重的影響。所以本研究採用問卷調查法針對假球案後兄弟象迷對於兄弟象球隊的球隊形象、球隊認同、忠誠度與購買意願逐一探討,共發出250份問卷,有效問卷為226份,分析後獲致以下幾項結論: 一、兄弟象球迷男性略多於女性;年齡多在20-30 歲之間;教育程度以大學為主;職業以學生居多;月收入在10,000元以下為多數;而支持兄弟象球隊年數7年以上的球迷為最多。 二、經由本研究調查的結果發現,兄弟象迷對於兄弟象隊球涉入假球案後,對於整個兄弟象隊球隊形象、球隊認同、忠誠度與購買意願有極大負面的影響。 三、兄弟象隊爆發假球案後,隔年的進場觀眾人數大幅減少32%,而進場觀看球賽的球迷亦僅會購買加油棒等加油器具,其他如吊飾、衣服、帽子等意願均不高,而女性球迷購買意願比男性球迷高。 針對上述研究結果,本研究提出兄弟象球團可以從事公益活動與防止球員打假球進行努力,並實施多元化與創新的作為加深與球迷間的互動,藉由比賽的精采度與球員永不放棄的精神來增進球隊形象與球迷的認同,進而增加球迷進場觀賽的意願。


The problem of match fixing seriously damaged the development of professional baseball league in Taiwan. Such problem makes many fans didn’t support the professional baseball league anymore. Thus, this study conducted questionnaire survey to detect the relationships between team image, team identity and fans’ purchase intention based on the perspective of Brother ELEPHANTS’s fans after the match fixing. 226 useable responses were collected from 250 distributed questionnaires. Findings of this study are shown as following: First of all, in terms of Brother ELEPHANTS’s fans, male is slightly more than female. Besides, they mostly own the highest education degree of university, with the occupation as student, have monthly income of NT$10,000, and support the Brother ELEPHANTS for more than 7 years. Second, based on the perspective of Brother ELEPHANTS’s fans, empirical results of this study revealed that the match fixing of Brother ELEPHANTS results in seriously negative impacts on team image, team identity and fans’ purchase intention. Third, after the happening of match fixing in Brother ELEPHANTS, visitors who buy the ball game ticket reduced 32% in the next year. Additionally, visitors who went to see the game were not willing to buy other additional products of ball game. Besides, female fans were more willingness to buy other additional products than male fans. According to the findings mentioned above, this study suggested that Brother ELEPHANTS can participate in none-profit activity, do their best to prevent the problem of match fixing, and design diverse or innovate practices to improve the mutual interactions with their fans. By performing splendid competition and showing sportsman spirit, Brother ELEPHANTS can effectively strengthen fans’ team identity, and finally motivate fans’ intention to buy tickets.


