  • 期刊


The Development of the Sources of Confidence: An Inventory for Athletes


自信心與運動表現之問有著很重要的相關,以往在探討運動員自信心來源時,都是利用Bandura的自我效能理論來解釋,但是此理論過於籠統,無法確實界定在競賽情境中運動自信心是源自何處,因此本研究的目的在於探索國內運動員自信心來源的內涵,並發展出一份具有信效度的運動員自信心來源量表(Sources of Confidence Inventory for Athletes; SCIA),整個探索的過程如下:一、在第一階段是以先前的研究為基礎,編製成運動員自信心來源量表的最初版本,並以20位運動員來確認此量表在格式及題目上的適當性。二、在第二到第四階段以693名大學運動員為探索對象,利用探索性和驗證性因素分析來檢驗SCIA的因素結構,產生技術/情緒知覺、教練領導、生理準備、自我呈現、替代經驗、過去經驗、社會支持等七個分量表,具有適當的內部一致性及模式適合度,與運動員心理技能量表也有不錯的同時效度,並且能區分出優秀運動員及一般運動員在適應教練領導上有顯著的差異。最後依據本研究的結果,運動員自信心來源量表具有不錯的信效度,可以有助於描繪出屬於台灣運動員自信心的概念輪廓。


Self-confidence is widely acclaimed by theorists, researchers, and practitioners as the most critical psychological characteristic influencing sport performance. The purpose of this study was to identify sources of sport-confidence in athletes within the Taiwan sport framework and to develop a reliable and valid measure. This study was conducted in four phases. In Phases 1, 2, and 3 of this study, the preliminary conceptual basis for sources of sport-confidence was developed and initial psychometric properties including the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Sources of Confidence Inventory for Athletes (SCIA) were examined with 452 college athletes. The SCIA contains seven subscales: Skill/Effort Perception, Physical Preparation, Physical Self-Presentation, Coaches’ Leadership, Vicarious Experience, Past Experience, and Social Support. In Phase 4, a confirmatory factor analysis was utilized to support the hypothesized factor structure of the SCIA using 261 college athletes as participants. Finally, evidence was found across the phases of this study to support the reliability and validity of the SCIA as a multidimensional measure of sources of sport- confidence. The availability of such a scale may assist researchers in exploring the many theoretic and practical issues that relate to sport-confidence.


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