  • 期刊


The Relationships among Parachuters' Thrill and Adventure Seeking Motivation, Arousal, Anxiety, Emotion, and Performance: an Application of the Reversal Theory


本研究在結合刺激冒險尋求動機及反轉理論架構中的重要變項來探討跳傘參與者刺激冒險尋求動機、覺醒、焦慮、情緒及跳傘表現之相關及差異情形。以陸軍航空特戰司令部30名「神龍小組隊員」為研究對象,平均年齡28.17±5.71歲,參與者在跳傘前分別填寫刺激冒險尋求量表(Thrill and Adventure Seeking Scale, 簡稱TASS)、有目的狀態量表(Telic State Measure, 簡稱TSM)、情緒狀態量表(Emotion State Inventory, 簡稱ESI)及跳傘前狀態性焦慮量表(Competition State Anxiety Inventory-2, 簡稱CSAI-2),並在完成跳傘後實施跳傘表現自我評量表填寫。以皮爾遜積差相關及獨立樣本t考驗探討跳傘前參與者刺激冒險尋求動機、覺醒、焦慮、情緒及跳傘表現之相關及差異情形,並驗證個體在經歷高覺醒程度(知覺最大危險前後)時,情緒狀態會由最大焦慮反轉至最大興奮情形。所得結果如下:一、刺激冒險尋求動機傾向愈高者,在跳傘前會有較高的自信心、正向情緒,較低的身體焦慮、負向情緒,以及較好的跳傘表現。二、覺醒差異愈小者,會有較高的自信心、正向情緒,較低的負向情緒以及較好的跳傘表現。三、高刺激冒險尋求動機組比低刺激冒險尋求動機組在跳傘前有更高度的自信心、正向情緒以及較低的負向情緒。四、研究結果支持了跳傘參與者在經歷高覺醒程度(知覺最大危險前後)時,情緒狀態會由最大焦慮反轉至最大興奮情形。


This study combined Thrill and Adventure Seeking motives and reversal theory to the examination of the relationships among parachuters' Thrill and Adventure Seeking motivation, arousal, anxiety, emotion, and parachuting performance. A total of 30 proficient parachuters in the Army Aviation Special Training Commandant participated in this study. Each participant was asked to complete a Thrill and Adventure Seeking Scale (TASS), Telic State Measure (TSM), Emotion State Inventory (ESI), and Competition State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) scales before parachuting. Participant's performance was also assessed. After collecting the data, the Pearson Product Moment Correlation and an Independent t-test were used to investigate the relationships and the differences on parachuters/ Thrill and Adenture Seeking motivation, arousal, anxiety, emotion, and parachuting performance. Meanwhile, the hypothesis that emotion reverses from maximum anxiety to maximum excitement was also examined. The findings are summarized as follows: 1.) The parachuters' Thrill and Adventure Seeking motivation was positively related to their self-confidence and positive emotion. Specially, the higher the Thrill and Adventure Seeking motivation the parachuters had, the higher the self-confidence, positive emotion, better performance, and the lower somatic anxiety. 2.) The discrepancy of preferred arousal and felt arousal was negatively correlated with self-confidence, positive emotion, and performance, and positively related to negative emotion. Specially, the smaller the discrepancy of preferred arousal and felt arousal differences, the higher the self-confidence and positive emotion, the better the parachuting performance, but the lower the negative emotion. 3.) High Thrill and Adventure Seeking motivation participants reported higher self-confidence and positive emotions than low Thrill and Adventure Seeking motivation participants. However, high Thrill and Adventure Seeking motivation participants reported lower negative emotion than low Thrill and Adventure Seeking motivation participants. 4.) This study supported the hypothesis that parachuters' emotion will reverse from maximum anxiety to maximum excitement after having high-arousal experience (i.e., awareness of maximum danger).


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