  • 期刊


Bao Tianxiao and the Construction of "Educational Novel" through His Translation of Japanese Novels




教育小說 包天笑 葉聖陶


In the late Qing Dynasty, an abundance of Western novels were translated in China. Many intellectuals started to be engaged in translating novels, which were thereby moved from the peripheral position to the central position within the literary system. Thanks to their efforts, some new genres were introduced into Chinese literature, among which was Educational Novel. As one of the most important translators at that time, Bao Tianxiao rendered plenty of educational novels, which were becoming popular with the publication of educational journals. His educational novels, however, were mostly translated from Japanese ones. Therefore, it is deducible that his selection of books, translation or adaptation skills, and naming of this new genre, were greatly influenced by Japanese novels, including the ones written by Japanese writers and the ones translated by Japanese translators.This study attempts to compare Bao's translation and its source text and then observe how he constructs two major ideas for the educational novels in the early Republic: the image of a perfect teacher and the strong pedagogic discourse. Bao tries to make the teacher look tragic and almost as perfect as a saint. Through the character's monologues and dialogues, the modern pedagogic discourse is manifested. Using a teacher as the main character and trying to educate the public through the character's high morals make Chinese Educational Novel different from Bildungsroman, which were stretched from Germany to various Western countries. This special feature, focusing on a teacher's perfect image and describing school life, is also noticeable in the educational novels written by Ye Shengtao. This prominent author's ”Ni Huanzhi” has been one of his most praised fictions. It shares many similarities with the educational novels translated by Bao Tianxiao. These similarities reflect the strong influence of the concepts implied in Bao's translation and also demonstrate this new genre's evolution after it was translated into a Chinese version.


Educational Novel Bao Tianxiao Ye Shengtao


