  • 期刊


Tung's Hands Acupuncture Increase Body Height




董氏手解穴 身高


Purpose: It was found that in the clinical application of Tung's Hands Acupuncture was helpful to the increase the height. This article would prove if it was true with objective data. Methods: From January 2000 to June 2004, 52 subjects joined the study. The inclusion criterion was young people could eat and act as usual. However, the exclusion criteria were the recruits had hereditary diseases, or chronic internal diseases. Finally, 46 subjects finished in this study. The average age, height and weight among 21 male recruits were 22.1 years old, 160.9 cm and 55.8 kg respectively. The average age, height and weight among 25 female recruits were 22.9 years old, 158.7 cm and 54.5 kg respectively. The treatment was done once a week and 10 times as a course. The time of acupuncture was 20 minutes. The height was measured separately before the treatment and the 6^(th) and 11^(th) week of the treatment. Among the 46 subjects of the research, 14 people were older than 20 years old in male and 22 people were older than 18 years old in female respectively. Under normal circumstances, people's ages as shown above would not increase heights no matter in long bone or spine column. This was the reason that no control group was designed in the study. Results: There was significant discrepancy in statistics on the heights of both the male and female subjects before the acupuncture. On the other hand, the age and the weight were no significant discrepancies in statistics. After acupuncture, 17 male patients(81.0%)and 17 female patients(68.0%)had increased their heights, it showed 73.90% of total subjects was effective. The male recruits had increased 0.9 and 1.8 cm on average in the 6th and 11th week of treatment respectively. However, the female recruits had increased 0.8 and 1.6 cm on average in the 6^(th) and 11^(th) week of treatment respectively. Eventually, the final heights of both the male and female patients had increased significantly in statistics in comparison with the 1st week and 6th week of the treatment. If the total recruits was deducted 7 males and 3 females under 20 and 18 years old respectively, the 14 male subjects over 20 years old and 22 female subjects over 18 had increased 1.5 and 1.7 cm in the 11^(th) week of treatment respectively. Its effect of heights increase was available to the heights of both males and females and had no statistic discrepancy. Conclusion: Hands Acupuncture is proved to be able to help the general and healthy young people including male subjects over 20 years old and female subjects over 18 to increase their heights significantly.


Tung's Hand Acupuncture height


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