  • 期刊


The Survey Research on Kumquat Industries and their Productivity Systems


本文以「產業文化化」與「文化產業化」互動日增之概念,做為規劃在地中小型產業適區發展之準據,並處理以往以經濟一致性假設為主的分析層級程序法缺失,即其所產生調查偏誤或呈現分階分級難認定問題。本文以近百分百產區在宜蘭,社會、文化、歷史等跨級屬性均強的金棗產業為例,經由指標建構及估測結果顯示,「原料」金棗規劃為「加工」金棗、「生態」金棗、「文化」金棗或「休閒」金棗等,不論屬配合社區活動或者產業集區規劃,各有明顯不同的前向整合感應度與社會生產力程度。 未來若前向工業服務業整合,原料金棗轉型至加工金棗經營,是棗農比較容易接受的前向整合業務,但以從事生態環保金棗較之其他跨業方式,不論何種指標俱呈現相對明顯,乃因應全球化暨城鄉便捷化,未來金棗產業在地轉型時宜慎量之因素。接著,就要素策略聯盟方面分析,本文研究顯示棗農對於以土地加盟的意願偏低,土地加盟之社會整合感應亦不佳;反之,以資金加盟所創社會效益最佳,且遠遠大於棗農加盟意願最高的「管理與技術」加盟。


The paper provides an imputation-weighted method to remedy the traditional Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and its consistent assumption. The results show that, relative to the non-native industries, the Kumquat industry toward its ecosystem community has significant social efficiency, and most closely approximates the vertical integration of capital alliance. The most important result of the analysis has been that Kumquat industry has the potential of forward linkage over any other social culture sector (including the economy, environment as well as social items), considering indices of the interindustrial sensitivity and its social efficiency. Finally, and for the quantitative measurement, the applied analysis also provides some differentiation strategy of the kumquat’s process as well as product (service) vertical integration for monitoring industrial transformation has to follow up.


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