  • 期刊


Dropout Experience and Risk Factors among Dropout Students in Middle Schools


鑒於當前國中階段中輟學生問題的嚴重性,極易造成社會治安的潛在威脅,有賴關心青少年問題的學者,深入探討中輟學生問題的成因,以利謀求妥善的解決方案。本研究採用質的研究法,以半結構深度訪談法輔以調查問卷進行,共訪問二十四位國中階段曾經或現仍中途輟學之學生,以了解中輟學生輟學經驗及其中途輟學之原因。本研究主要發現,可歸納為下列兩項:(一)中輟學生輟學經驗1.第一次中途輟學的時間點,多發生在國中階段,尤其是國中一、二年級。2.中途輟學的時間長度,較多在一年或以上。多次中輟的學生,復學後再度中輟的時間一次比一次長。3.輟學後生活經驗的三種類型:一是待在家裡,二是和朋友玩,三則是做工作。(二) 中途輟學危機因素1.個人層面因素:好逸傾向、缺乏動機、低自我肯定。2.家庭層面因素:家庭結構不全、家庭功能不良。3.學校層面因素:課業考試壓力、教師歧視偏見、教師責罰衝突、同學排斥疏離。4.社會群體因素:同學煽動引誘、朋友煽動引誘。本研究藉由對中輟學生輟學經驗和危機因素的深度理解,當有助於教育部門規劃設計能符合國中階段中輟學生特定需求之教育與輔導方案,並建立整體性的輔導與服務網絡。


The prevalence of dropout problems among students in middle schools is likely to threaten the social security. It is in need of further investigation to explore the causes for dropping out of schools and to seek for effective strategies of dropout prevention. The participants in this study are 24 students who used to drop out of schools for more than once. By means of semi-structured interviews and a survey questionnaire, this study is aimed to understand the participants’ dropout experience and reasons for dropout.The main findings in this study are listed as the followings:I. The dropout experience1. The first time for dropping out occurred mostly at the beginning stage of middle school years.2. The duration of dropout lasts mostly for one year and longer. The more frequently they drop out of schools, the longer the duration lasts.3. The life experiences after dropping out of school are presented as three types: staying at home, having fun with friends, working for a living.II. The Risk factors1. Personal factors: pleasure oriented, lack of motivation, and low esteem.2. Family-related factors: broken family structure, and family dysfunction.3. School-related factors: pressure from course examinations, bias and prejudice by teachers, physical conflicts with teachers, and alienation from peers.4. Social influence factors: seduction of friends.Based on the in-depth understanding of dropout experience and risk factors, it helps the education department to design specific education and guidance programs to meet the special needs of dropout students.


何糧朱(2012)。高職「餐旅英文與會話」課程教師教學意願之研究: 計畫行為理論整合自我效能觀點〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2012.00014
