  • 期刊


A Study on the Treatment and Adaptation of Impaired Convicts in Prison


本研究旨在探討台灣各監獄對身心障礙受刑人之矯正處遇措施,及身心障礙受刑人在監獄內之生活情形和適應狀況。本研究以32所監獄典獄長(含分監長),234名場舍主管及所有領有身心障礙手冊受刑人884名為對象,進行間卷調查及生活適應評量。另抽取八所監獄102名訪談樣本,包括各類身心障礙受刑人44名及場合同學10名,監獄矯正人員48名,進行深度訪談及無障礙環境勘察。研究結果如下: (一)基本人口特性:男性佔95%;31歲至50歲青壯年佔67%;高中職和大專以上者佔65%;未婚者(含同居)佔56%;有婚姻紀錄者離婚率為48%;信奉佛教和道教者佔63%;輕度及中度障礙程度者佔82%;無業和職業工者佔58%。肢體障礙者佔60%,慢性精神病患佔11%居多數,其次為多重障礙者、聽語障礙者、智能障礙者、視覺障礙者、重要器官失去功能者。逾五分之一的身心障礙受刑人有身心障礙親屬,以父母和手足居多。有四分之一的身心障礙受刑人曾有服刑的親屬,以手足居多,其次為父母和子女。身心障礙受刑人入監罪名,前五項依序為違反毒品危害防制條例、竊盜、強盜強奪盜匪、違反麻醉藥品管理條例、妨害性自主等。累犯(佔64%)多於初犯。個別犯(佔82%)多於集體犯;但有三名質性訪談的聽障竊盜和搶奪犯者,坦述其係採兩人以上集體作案方式,且為瘖啞小集團。 (二)場合主管對身心障礙受刑人在監適應之評分傾向於正向、適應良好。聽語障和肢障受刑人的整體適應情況顯著高於智障和精神病受刑人。教育程度國(初)中者顯著高於小學以下者。障礙程度輕度者顯著高於中度障礙者。處遇級別為一到四級者皆顯著高於尚未編級者。犯罪時職業為工、商、自由業者顯著高於無業者。 (三)本研究另彙整身心障礙受刑人之適應與需求、場舍同學對身心障礙受刑人之觀點、監獄矯正人員常見之管教問題及管教之建議、及各監獄對身心障礙受刑人之處遇措施。


The object of this study is to probe into the reformative treatments in prison given to impaired convicts in Taiwan, as well as their living conditions and adaptation levels therein. In this study 32 wardens, 234 custodians and 884 prisoners holding handicap manuals are included as subjects participating in a set of questionnaire survey and adaptation assessment. Among them, 102 subjects from 8 prisons, including 44 prisoners with various types of mental or physical impairments, 10 colleagues and 48 correctional officers, are purposely sampled for thorough interviews and barrier-free environment surveys. The results are as follows: Ⅰ. Fundamental population characteristics: Of All the subjects, males account for 95%; adults aged 31-50 take up 67%; 65% graduate from senior high schools, colleges or higher; 56% are single (including cohabitation); 48% have been married and divorced; 63% are Buddhism and Daoism believers; 82% are low-and mid-level disabilities; 58% are still-or contemporarily unemployed. Among them, most suffer from physical disabilities (60%) and chronic mental illness (11%), followed by multiple disabilities, auditory impairment, mental retardation, visual impairment and dysfunctional vital organs. Over 1/5 of the impaired prisoners have impaired relatives, mostly their parents and siblings, One-fourth of whose relatives have once served a sentence, mostly their siblings, followed by parents and children. The top five crimes committed are in the order of drug violation, burglary, robbery, narcotic violation and sexual offence. There are more repeated offenders (64%) than first ones, and more individual crimes (82%) than collaborated, except that theft and robbery by the auditory impaired are generally committed in collaboration of more than 2 individuals. Ⅱ. Based on custodians' assessment, it is apparent that of All the impaired prisoners, those of auditory and physic Ally impairments are better accommodative than of mental retardation and mental illness; those with junior high school education significantly better than those with elementary school education and illiterates; and those of low-level disability better than mid-level disability; in terms of treatment classification, Class Ⅰ to Ⅳ are remarkably better than unclassified; and in terms of prior occupation, industrial, commercial and freelance capacities are better than the unemployed. Ⅲ. This study compiles the adaptation processes and needs of the impaired prisoners, colleagues' viewpoints to impaired prisoners, common disciplinary problems and recommendations from the correctional officers, and various treatment measures of each prison as well.


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