  • 期刊


The Relationship among Volunteer's Motivation, Organizational Commitment and Serious Leisure Qualities-A Case of Volunteer Firefighters in Yunlin County


過去國外研究結果表示義消人員所從事的活動也可以是Stebbins (1982)所提出認真性休閒活動之一。本研究以雲林縣義勇消防隊員爲對象(n=453人),旨在瞭解義消人員之參與動機、認真性休閒特質與組織承諾的潛在構面結構並探討三者間的關聯。本研究結果發現(1)參與動機可以由「增進自我」、「利他價值」、「學習新知」及「發展社交職涯」等四個潛在構面所反映。(2)義勇消防隊員的認真性休閒特質可以由「堅持不懈」、「個人努力」、「持續性效益」、「強烈認同感」及「獨特特質」等五個潛在構面所反映。(3)義勇消防隊員的組織承諾可以由「情感規範」及「持續服務」等兩個潛在構面所反映。(4)而且根據結構方程式模型(SEM)分析後發現義勇消防隊員的「參與動機」對於「認真性休閒特質」具正向且直接的影響(迴歸係數=0.79),且「認真性休閒特質」對於「組織承諾」亦是正向且直接的影響(迴歸係數=0.82)。依據上述研究結果,在經營管理實務方面,建議將認真性休間之概念應用於非營利性組織之人力資源管理。


In the past research, the voluntary activity engaged by volunteer firefighters is one of serious leisure that Stebbins stated in 1982. The purpose of this research was to examine the latent construct of participation motivation, serious leisure qualities and organizational commitment and to explore the relationships among them. The data, collected from the total 453 volunteer firefighters in Yunlin County, have been analyzed by the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and showed that:(1) the motivation for participation can be constructed by improving myself, achieving altruisms, learning knowledge and developing social network. (2) the serious leisure qualities were represented by perseverance, personal effort, durable benefits, unique ethos and identity strongly. (3) the organizational commitment could be identified by three sub-dimensions in ”affective and normative commitment, central life interest and continuance commitment. Finally, the analysis of structural equation model (SEM) was employed to build the causal model among the motivation, serious leisure qualities and organizational commitment. The results showed that the participatory motivation positively and directly affected the serious leisure qualities (γ=0.79) and their serious leisure qualities positively and directly affected organizational commitment (γ=0.82). In terms of implication in volunteer management, it suggested that the serious leisure qualities have played an important role and should be applied in the organization human resources management.


