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A Case Study of Carbon Disclosure in Printing Industry


隨著全球各國低碳經濟發展,消費者趨向選擇對環境友善之產品,擴大綠色消費市場。而Walmart、Tesco、Apple等國際大廠或零售商,也順應此潮流,要求供應商揭露產品碳足跡或環境衝擊,顯示宣告產品環境資訊之時代已正式來臨。而在此趨勢下,預期印刷業將再次受到一波環境揭露衝擊,本研究即探討全球碳揭露之標準及發展趨勢,而在此趨勢下印刷業將受到的影響,印刷業者若欲進行產品碳揭露,應如何執行?本研究以個案研究,由個案業者依照PAS 2050:2011之規範,實地進行產品碳揭露,根據實地盤查結果分析印刷業於產品供應鏈碳揭露之執行作法,提出建議。


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The low-carbon economy are growing continued in global countries, green market are expanded by consumer tends to the eco environmental product. Brands and distributor request the suppliers to disclosure the product carbon footprint or the environment impact such as Walmart, Tesco. Printing industry will be against under a wave of environmental impact in the time of declaring product information of environmental impact. The research were Investigated the standards and development trends of carbon disclosure, and what's the influence in printing industry? How to execute carbon disclosure project in printing industry?The research is to execute carbon disclosure project according to PAS 2050:2011 by case study, and according to the executing results put forward suggestions in executing method of supplier chain.

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