  • 期刊


The Study on Editing Competence for Digital Publishing Editors


編輯加工是數位出版核心的歷程,目的在為出版品的品質發揮關性任務。本研究旨在探討數位出版之編輯加工職能,以作為編輯人才能力檢核之參考。本研究運用文獻探討、專家訪談、德懷術(The Delphi Technique),獲得編輯加工的3個向度及18項職能指標。三個向度包括稿件加工、排版設計,以及校對樣稿三項;18項職能指標則為:訂正文字語法邏輯錯誤、以使用者介面原理設計、運用電腦軟體支援校對等。本研究依照德懷術專家評分(5點量表)之結果,將編輯加工職能指標依平均數(μ)高低進行職能分級,獲致「必備」(μ ≥ 4.19)、「應備」(3.35 ≤ μ < 4.19)兩項職能分級指標,必備職能包括:「以使用者介面原理設計」等3項;應備職能包括:「調整結構符合內在邏輯」等15項。本研究之結果可作為數位出版產業用人以及相關機構人才培育之參考。


數位出版 編輯 編輯加工 職能


The editing workflow including three stages: the pre-editing, editing and post-editing. Pre-editing stage is the must-have journey prior to manuscript processing, and establishing the foundation of the quality of publications. In this study, aimed at investigate the editing competences of editing stage of the digital publishing, as the reference of competence checklist for editorial professionals. This study used literature analysis, Delphi Technique and expert interviews to obtain three (3) dimensions and 18 competence indicators of the editing competence for digital publishing editors. The three (3) dimensions were Substantive Editing, Design Digital Contents and Proofreading. The 18 competence indicators were "Review conformity of the content manuscripts and correct errors", "Design contents and platforms based on user-interface principles", "Use computer software to support proofreading", "Review and adjust structures in accordance with internal logics", "Process final productions based on different publishing formats and specifications", etc. The competence indicators were categorized into "must-have" (μ ≥ 4.19), "should- have" (3.35 ≤ μ <4.19), two groups, according to the result of Delphi Technique questionnaire evaluating the scale ranged from 1 (not important at all) to 5 (very important). There were 3 competences with "must-have" such as "Design contents and platforms based on user-interface principles" etc., 15 competences with "should-have" such as "Review and adjust structures in accordance with internal logics" etc. The results of this study can be used as the references of Digital Publishing Industry in recruitment, training of editors and relevant organizations for their talent cultivation.


digital publishing editor editing competence


