  • 期刊


Design and Implement an Earthquake Rescue Mechanism based on Location-based Services and Wireless Communication


當地震災害發生時,有許多受困者並非當下就失去生命,而是在黃金救援時間內沒有被搜救隊發現而罹難。本研究將藉由雲端伺服器中心、智慧型行動裝置及全球定位系統,結合開放政府資料規劃出一套地震求救服務系統,以改進目前地震求救與救災的不足和不便。當有顯著地震發生時,系統會立即自動通知使用者地震訊息,同時使用者能即時回報目前自身安全狀況,當使用者受困時或無回應時,系統將會自動發送求救訊息至雲端伺服器中心,其中求救訊息內容包含使用者行動裝置剩餘電量、使用者求救位置坐標、使用者目前狀況,為救災行動提供指引,讓搜救團隊能在「黃金72 小時」救援時間內救出受困者;此外使用者可以預先設定地震發生通知訊息的震級大小,以及當震央距離使用者幾公里以內才需要發送地震通知,並且可以自行設定通知方式,例如聲音或震動,大量減少不必要的地震通知訊息,可以降低通訊頻寬使用。本研究建立一款名為「震在救你」之應用程式,利用不同定位方式得到求救者所在位置資訊並提供適地性服務,精準的導航指引受困求救者之所在位置資訊,幫助搜救人員改變傳統地毯式的搜救模式,希望能夠提升台灣搜救團隊提升搜救的效率,以確保在黃金救援時間內可以拯救更多寶貴的性命。


Taiwan is located at Ring of Fire, and there are average 22,000 earthquakes per year. Averagely, over 500 earthquakes been. are reported per year. Earthquake forecasting has researched over 100 years across the world. However, there no convinced approach yet. Thus, when stronger earthquakes are coming, there was nearly no warning that people can receive. In addition, earthquakes cause the most damage in all of natural disasters. For example, there is a huge earthquake at 7.6 of the Richter magnitude scale, which happened at 1:43 AM on 21th September, 1999 in Jiji township Nantou, Taiwan. This earthquake causes 10,002 people injured and 2,333 people dead. Furthermore, thousands buildings collapsed and those resulted in over 1000,000 homeless. Many victims are not dead instantly after the disasters, but they may not be found by rescue team within 72 hours and tragedy may happen. This research proposes an earthquake assistant system, which combines with a cloud service centre, smart devices, a global positioning system and a government database. This earthquake assistant system would help rescue team and deliver information in a more sufficient way. When an earthquake happens, the system instantly inform users. Simultaneously, users are able to report their safety and situations. However, they may be trapped in an collapse buildings, the system is able to automatically send messages to cloud server centre, the message includes residue of battery, location of user and their conditions easier. The most important objective is that rescue team may save survivors within 72-hours golden-window. Moreover, users can pre-set up when system will send the information to the cloud system, such as how much earthquake scale is or how close to the earthquake centre.is The users can choose their favour to set up a way to inform, such as voice and vibrant notice that will dramatically reduce message sending load during the process. This research proposes an app called "Saving you in earthquake". By different positioning, the system can receive victims' locations and provide navigating to the victims. This app may change rescue team from by-inch search to direct rescue and increase the efficiency by saving as more victims as possible during 72-hours gold-window.


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