  • 期刊


Study on Taiwan's GMO Industrializing Model of "R&D Domestic and Produce Overseas in Taiwan-An Examination from the Legal Point of View


截至目前爲止,我國已投入三期、總計數十億的政府資源於農業生技國家型計畫,並已逐漸建置頗具規模之基因改造生物(genetically modified organism, GMO)研發重要基礎設施(如重要核心實驗室、各類型田間試驗機構、檢測技術平台之構築)。爲期加速GMO產業化,以培植國際競爭力,避免研發資源浪費,近年來產學研界有不少提出「境內研發、境外生產」的概念,建議作爲我國GMO產業化發展的一種可能模式。本文將「境內研發、境外生產」視爲一項可能的GMO產業化發展方向,並在此假設前提下,從我國法制面將境內GMO研發成果輸出至境外生產所涉及之相關規範,以及境外潛在生產國對進口GMO至其國內種植所施予之重要規範與管理機制,交互檢視此種GMO產業化模式可能面臨之法制問題,並提出分析結論與建議。在研究對象的選擇方面,由於目前各種GMO中,以GM植物之研發速度較爲快速,且GM植物於境外生產的可能性高於其他類型的GMO,因此本文鎖定GM植物,探討並分析「境內研發、境外生產」產業化模式運用於GM植物所涉及之法制問題。另基於文化、語言、農業習慣、氣候等因素,我國廠商若採取「境內研發、境外生產」模式,最可能選定的境外生產地點之一爲中國大陸,因此,本文直接以中國大陸爲例,檢視並分析其法制規範對我國GMO「境內研發、境外生產」之可能影響。


So far, Taiwan has invested billions of resources in mega research program of agricultural biotechnology between 1997-2009, and has gradually built large-scale infrastructure (such as important core laboratories, various types of institutions for field trials, testing platforms) for research and deployment of genetically modified organisms (GMO).In order to accelerate industrialization of such R&D results of GMOs, in recent years, research community in Taiwan has proposing the concept of ”R&D domestic and produce overseas” as a possible model. This article regards ”R&D domestic and produce overseas” as a possible industrializing model, and based on this assumption, examines and analyzes what kinds of problems or difficulties this industrializing model may face from the legal point of view and provides recommendations.Since China and Taiwan share the same language, cultural background and agricultural customs, China would be the most possible overseas country for Taiwan's research institutions and companies to further develop their R&D results of GMOs, this article also explores what kind of influence that China's laws and regulations in the field of GMO development, importation and plantation may have on the proposed industrializing model of ”R&D domestic and produce overseas”.


