  • 期刊


Religious Therapy and Its Faith Base of Taiwan's Folk Belief: "Ritual of Asking To God" Performed at Tsu De Tsu Huei Temlpe in Taichung



本研究對宗教靈療的議題頗感興趣,思考在過去的研究基礎上,以華人民間信仰廟宇常見的乩童服務信徒「叩問儀式」的宗教靈療活動為研究主題,挑選台中市慈德慈惠堂的「叩問儀式」為研究對象。 筆者大膽假設「叩問儀式的靈療活動應該會與華人民間信仰的宗教信仰價值體系緊密連結」,也就是本研究想建立「華人民間信仰的宗教信仰觀,將深刻影響叩問儀式的宗教靈療活動」此項命題,即經由本研究理解本儀式的宗教靈療活動有哪些內在基礎?此乃構成本研究的主軸。 為了解開此謎題(puzzle),筆者乃於2007年7-9月前往該堂從事社會調查,做深度訪問及參與觀察記錄。本文就是將此記錄比對文獻後做學術的分析,希望可以對台灣民間信仰叩問儀式,進行比較深刻的理解,將上述問題嘗試提出合理的解答。


The researcher was interested in the issue of religious therapy. On the base of former studies, the researcher choose the topic of ”the ritual of asking to gods” and selected Tsu De Tsu Huei Temple in Taichung as a sample. The researcher hypothesized boldly that ”the religious therapy activities in the ritual of asking to gods must connect closely with the value system of religious beliefs in Chinese folk belief.” In other words, the researcher wanted to construct the concept of ”the value of religious belief of Chinese folk belief would deeply affect the religious therapy activities in the ritual of asking to gods”; meanwhile, clarify the inner foundation of the religious therapy activities in this ritual. Consequently, the motivation of the researcher formed the structure of this study. In order to solve the puzzle, the researcher had been to Tsu Huei Temple and done ”in-depth interview” and ”participant observation” in July to September, 2007. This study is an academic analysis to the comparison of survey record and former studies, which hopes to attend a deeper understanding in the ritual of asking to gods of Taiwan's Folk Belief and try to search reasonable answers toward the questions mentioned above.


