  • 會議論文


A Study on the Learning Satisfaction of the Undergraduate Students in Southern Taiwan towards Chinese Martial Art Course


本研究主要目的在探討究南部地區大學生對國術課程之學習滿意度現況及比較不同背景變項之大學生對國術課程之學習滿意度是否有差異。以南部地區(包含台南縣、台南市、高雄市、高雄縣及屏東縣)之大學或技術學院開設國術課之487位大學生進行問卷調查,回收資料經統計分析結果顯示: (一)所有大學生對國術課程學習滿意度之總平均數為3.72,是接近於4分,表示對學習滿意度量表中24個題項上之是達滿意程度。學生對學習滿意度量表中最滿意之前三題依序為:「我對國術老師的動作示範能力感到」、「我對國術老師上課的認真程度感到」、「我對國術老師的講解及說明能力感到」。而較不滿意之前三題依序為:「我對學校所提供更衣或盥洗設備的方便性感到」、「我對國術課上課時使用的活動空間感到」、「我對國術課上課時使用的器材品質感到」。 (二)不同背景的大學生在參與國術課學習滿意度上差異比較分析結果顯示,學生性別、不同年級、不同參加國術課經驗、不同學制變項在學習滿意度上皆達顯著差異;國術教師性別、國術課學分數變項在學習滿意度上皆未達顯著差異。


國術課 學習滿意度


The purpose of this study was to explore the learning satisfaction of demographic variables of undergraduate students in southern Taiwan towards Chinese Martial Art Course, and compare the learning satisfactions of the students towards Chinese Martial Art Course on different background variables. A total of 487 students taking the course of Chinese Martial Art in the universities or institutes of technology in the southern Taiwan (including Tainan County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County, and Pingtung County) were invited to participate in the questionnaire survey. After conducting statistic analysis on the replied questionnaires, the following findings were concluded: Ⅰ. The average of the learning satisfaction perceptions of all the undergraduate students towards Chinese Martial Art Course was 3.72, closed to 4 points. This indicated that the students' perception of the 24 questions in the learning satisfaction scale has reached satisfaction level. The students were most satisfied with the following three questions in the learning satisfaction scale: Firstly, ”How do I feel about the martial art teacher's capability in action demonstration” Secondly, ”How do I feel about the earnestness of the martial art teacher in giving the lesson” Thirdly, ”How do I feel about the marital art teacher's capability in explaining and instructing” Furthermore, the students were less satisfied with the following three questions: Firstly, ”How do I feel about the convenience of the dressing or washing facility provided by the school” Secondly, ”How do I feel about the space provided for the Martial Art Course” Thirdly, ”How do I feel about the quality of the equipment provided for the Martial Art Course” Ⅱ. After comparing and analyzing the differences of the learning satisfaction perceptions of the undergraduate students from different backgrounds in participating in the Chinese Martial Art Course, significant differences were found on the learning satisfaction perceptions in the variables of students' gender, grade, different Martial Art Course experience, and educational system; nevertheless, no significant differences were found on the learning satisfaction perceptions in the variables of gender of the martial art teacher, and credit of the Martial Art Course.


