  • 學位論文


The Study of the Learning Motivation and Adaption of Chinese Student in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張源泉


本研究旨在瞭解正式學制之大陸學位生(以下簡稱陸生)來台就學的概況,在兩岸交流日益頻繁的情勢下,陸生三法在2010年定案,2011年大陸學位生正式來到台灣讀書,為了暸解其發展背景、現況與未來面臨的挑戰,本研究將做深入的探討。 本研究方法採取半結構性訪問,研究對象為10位在台灣就讀碩士班的大陸學位生,對於五個層面求學動機、學習適應、生活適應、生涯規劃、三限六不的問題進行探討。研究結果如下: 一、大陸學位生之求學動機影響因素為「拉力因素」、「推力因素」與「擇校系因素」,拉力因素區分為地理、語言與對台灣印象良好等因素;推力因素則分為換一個環境讀書、國外申請失利、國內考研究所失利、想繼續學習、對台灣的期待以及家庭因素影響等;擇校系因素時學生十分重視全球排名與相關專業科系。 二、大陸學位生之學習適應主要涵括「教學層面」、「學習層面」與「困境與因應策略」,教學層面區分為教學模式與課程模式,學生喜歡互動式的溝通學習;學習層面區分為學習方法、學習習慣、學習態度、學習環境、身心適應,學生感覺一切良好;困境與因應策略為學習時遇到的困難與其因應策略,也可分為內在調適與外在行動。 三、大陸學位生在台的生活適應分為「生活層面」、「社會層面」、「經濟層面」與「政治層面」,生活層面分為飲食、居住狀況、物價、交通、醫療保健,學生狀況大致良好,但醫療保健措施期望能更加完善;社會層面分為刻板印象、繁體字、風俗文化、禮儀、環境,而刻板印象則希望社會大眾能以開放的胸襟來接納;經濟層面為學費、學分費與生活費等花費較高;政治層面分為言論自由與集會遊行,藉此可感受到開放的社會風氣。 四、大陸學位生之生涯規劃為「畢業後未來規劃」與「推薦親朋好友來台讀研究所」,未來規劃分為繼續升學、回大陸發展、先工作後升學;推薦來台就讀學位持正反兩面的想法,亦或者持中立意見。 五、大陸學位生之三限六不分成「三限」、「六不」與「整體建議」,對此陸生們提供不同思維的看法,給予相關性的建議。 最後根據研究結果,對政府行政機關、大專院校、大陸學位生、社會大眾與後續研究者,提出相關性的建議。


This study aims to understand the learning situation of mainland degree students in Taiwan. Due to the frequency interactions across Taiwan and China, our government complete three laws about the student who come from China to study in Taiwan in 2010. In 2011, the government launched the policy to permit students from Mainland China to receive Taiwan’s education. This research is to understand the background of the policy, and the potential challenge that may occur in the future. In this qualitative research, ten mainland degree students were selected to be interviewed and be asked about why they chose Taiwan as their target country to study and learning adaptation and life adaptation and career building and the policy. The results were as follows: First, the mainland degree students’learning motivation factors are "pull factors", "push factors" and "school choice system factors" pull factors divided into geography, language and a good impression of Taiwan; push factors are change the environment to study, abroad application defeat, domestic Institute test defeat, want to continue to learn, the expecting of Taiwan and family factors. When the mainland degree students choice the university and the department, they consider the global ranking and the professional of the department are really important. Second, the mainland degree students learning adaption factors are "teaching level", "learning level" and "difficulties and coping strategies." The teaching level include teaching model and curriculum model, mainland degree students like interactive communication and learning. Learning level include learning methods, learning habits, learning attitude, learning environment, physical and psychological adaptation. The students think it is all good. Difficulties and coping strategies are the difficulties which the students meet. Coping strategies can be divided into internal and external adaptation action. Third, the mainland degree students’life adaption in Taiwan are "life level", "social level", "economic level" and "political level" life level include diet, living conditions, prices, transportation, and health care. The students think it is all good. But mainland degree students doesn’t include in Taiwan’s health care, and they wish this part to be more perfect. Social level are stereotype characters, customs and culture, etiquette, environment. In stereotypes, students hope that the public will be more accepted with an open mind. In economic level, students think the tuition fees of Taiwan and living expenses are higher than China. In political level, the students think the freedom of speech and assembly procession of Taiwan make them feel an opening social atmosphere. Fourth, the mainland degree students’career building are "future plans after graduation" and "recommend friends and family to come to Taiwan to attend Institute."In career building are to continue their studies, the development back to the mainland and after the first work then studies. In recommended to study in Taiwan has both positive, negative and neutral thoughts. Fifth, the researcher devise the mainland degree students’policy into "three limits", "six can’t" and "overall proposals."The mainland degree students provide different views of thinking and give advice. Finally, according to the findings, the researcher offer the recommendations for government administrative agencies, universities, the mainland degree students, the community and the subsequent researchers proposed.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological review, 84(2), 191.


Cheng, S. T. (2015). 大陸 學生來臺就學政策執行之研究─以逢甲大學為例 [master's thesis, Feng Chia University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0201007
