  • 學位論文


Living Adjustment of Chinese students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張家麟


我國自蔣經國總統至李登輝總統時期逐步對大陸地區開放,至今大陸人員來台人次已突破七千萬人次,對來台就學學子的關注也逐漸增加。陸生來臺適用之法令與外國學生、僑生、港澳生不同,加上陸生政治、社會文化觀念與臺灣頗有差異,如何引導學生尊重臺灣的政治體制與民主文化,主動了解陸生學習及生活情形,是兩岸關係相關單位重視的課題。兩岸分隔超過一甲子的時間,兩岸全方位密切的交流在其中僅占些微的幾年,然而國際因素和內戰影響導致的意識型態分別,更使分庭抗禮或同文同種都不足以形容兩岸之間文化的狀態。 在政治生活的適應上,所謂「民主」由他們詮釋出來的是有機的、有缺陷的、包容的、永續的。這些大陸學生作為赴台的前衛先鋒,在對岸相關部門制約下,努力地找到結構中的能動性,藉由安靜的觀察和積極的思辨,在互動中動態的適應台灣的民主政治生活。 在社會生活的適應上,國際上美中兩強的態勢已然形成,但大陸的許多制度存在問題,台灣的制度亦然,他們認為資本主義的社會兩岸皆然,經濟生活都存在社會階層化所產生的不公不義,這些大陸學生在知識分子養成的重要階段能在台灣求學一段時間,借鏡「他山之石」建立批判精神,也深刻體會兩岸過去幾十年產生的偏見和歧視是客觀存在的,需要靠不斷的互動來創造更多的互信和互諒,一步到位是不現實的。 在文化生活的適應上,大陸學生在台灣的生活適應是積極的、變化最大的,無論文明的表現和彼此尊重的文化,或是與過往社會化歷程相衝突的媒體文化,都對大陸學生產生的直接和顯著的影響。


適應 文化差異 陸生 兩岸關係 焦點團體


President Chiang Ching-kuo to President Lee Teng-hui gradually opening to mainland, mainland people to Taiwan people has exceeded 70 million passengers to date, concern for school students is also gradually increasing. Terrestrial decree applicable to Taiwan and foreign students, overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao students are different, combined with land politics, socio-cultural attitudes and Taiwan differences, how to guide the students to respect Taiwan's political system and culture of democracy, the initiative to understand the terrestrial study and living conditions , is related to cross-strait relations units valued task. Separated on both sides over a cycle of time, Omni-directional close exchanges between the two sides in which only a modest years, yet the international factors and ideologies resulting from the civil war, respectively, and a rival or homogeneity is not enough to describe the State of culture between the two sides. Adaptation of political life, the so-called "democracy" by their interpretations are organic, defective, inclusive and sustainable. These mainland students to Taiwan's avant-garde pioneers across the River under the relevant departments, and hard to find motivation in a structure through quiet observation and positive thinking, interacting dynamically adapt to Taiwan's democratic political life. On the adaptation of the social life, two strong trends in the United States is already taking shape in the world, but many systems there is a problem on the continent, Taiwan regime, arguing on both sides of the capitalistic society, economic injustices arising out of social stratification, these Chinese students develop important intellectuals stage in Taiwan studying for some time, learn " Stone of other mountains "towards a critical spirit, deep experience on both sides of the past decades of prejudices and discrimination is an objective, need constant interaction to generate more mutual trust and understanding, one step is unrealistic. On the adaptation of cultural life, Chinese students in Taiwan life adjustment is positive, the greatest changes, both an expression of and respect each other's cultures, or conflict with past social history of media culture, have a direct and significant impact on students from the Mainland.


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