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  • OpenAccess

Rumen Ciliates Entodinium caudatum, Eudiplodinium maggii and Diploplastron affine: A Potential Reservoir of Unsaturated Fatty Acids for the Host


Rumen microorganisms are considered as an important source of fatty acids for the host. This study evaluates the profiles of the saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and their isomers in three common species of rumen ciliates: Entodinium caudatum, Eudiplodinium maggii and Diploplastron affine. The protozoa were collected from the rumen of monofaunated sheep and were purified by a sedimentation method. It was found that palmitic acid predominated in all three species of protozoa. The highest level of palmitic acid was found in Entodinium caudatum (P<0.05) while Eudiplodinium maggii contained the highest content of C18:3 cis-9, cis-12, cis-15 (P<0.05). In contrast with these two species, ciliate Diploplastron affine were characterized by the highest level of C18:1 trans-11, total C18:1 trans, total C18:1 and MUFA (P<0.05). On the other hand, the representatives of species Diploplastron affine and Entodinium caudatum contained more conjugated C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 in comparison to Eudiplodinium maggii (P<0.05). The obtained results suggest that the fatty acid profile of the examined protozoa depends on the species of ciliates and presumably may be influenced by dietary fatty acids. It is also suggested that ciliates Diploplastron affine can be considered as an important source of UFA for the host animal.
