  • 期刊


On Political Fetishism-From the Perspective of Bourdieu




委任 剝奪 象徵暴力 政治拜物教


Rooted in inequality in field of the social class, the inequality in the political field appears as recognition and misrecognition of political competence. With this symbolic violence, political competence defines the ability and qualifications to participate in the political field. Through the structure of exclusion of delegation and professionalism, self-abstaining political incompetents have adopted self-alienation in order to avoid political alienation and have chosen self-dispossession in order to avoid political dispossession. However, the political dispossession of the mandators by the delegates makes the incompetent even more incompetent and more dependent on the delegates. Political dispossession brings more self-dispossession What I should note here is that dispossession is not a shift or alien of existing rights. On the contrary, dispossession is a cycle of self- dispossession and political deprivation, and it is the inevitable of the delegation process. It can be said that delegation is dispossession. Therefore, the so-called mystery of delegation is to substantiate the social relationship of the delegation process and allow the delegates to transform from the delegation relationship into an independent substance. In this way, the delegates moved between me and us. Under his arbitrariness, he regarded his vision and division of the world as the group's worldview, and imposed it on the group in the dual process of recognition and misrecognition; at the same time, naturalized this worldview through the mandators, in fides implicita and relied entirely on delegates. In this way, we have reached a political fetishism based on symbolic violence.


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