  • 期刊


Cultural Landscape Conservation from the Local Perspectives: A Case Study on the Rice Terrace Conservation in Ifugao, Philippines




The registration of World Heritage has become a strategy for cultural landscape conservation in international society since the 1990s. This study explores how claims of protecting the common heritage belonging to all human beings is localized and practiced, taking Ifugao rice terraces (which was registered as World Heritage in 1995) in Philippines as an example. The research has the following components: 1) reviewing the social cultural meanings of the rice terraces before the registration, and tracing the influences of national tourism policy since the 1970s; 2) examining the interactions between local NGOs, government and international sponsors, to reveal how the local community has transformed international resources into the opportunity of local development; 3) analyzing the relations between heritage economy and identity politics, to reveal that landscape conservation is a reconstruction of social relations. This research concludes that landscape conservation is a dynamic process reflecting the negotiation between different values and images of development. Conserve the culture of landscape is more important than simply conserving the physiography landscape of culture. The methods adopted in this study include second-hand information collection and ethnographic fieldwork.


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