  • 期刊


Case Study on Travel Communication for the Hearing Impaired




Communication is key in ensuring that people with hearing impairments have enjoyable travel experiences; it is just as relevant as environmental accessibility. However, scholars have largely adopted the environmental barrier perspective to explore the accessibility of people with disabilities. In particular, there is a lack of research on the tourism behaviors of the hearing-impaired. Narrative analysis has gained popularity as a methodological approach in qualitative research; however, it has been relatively neglected in the tourism field. This study conducted a narrative analysis to examine the experiences of the hearing-impaired who went on group tours and their communication-based connections, that is, intrapersonal, interpersonal, environmental, and technology-based communications. The researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 28 participants. The interviews focused on transformative contexts before and after the travel and the participants’ perceptions of tourism communication during the tours. The results revealed that most parents with hearing impairments agreed to them joining a group tour. Participants faced several communication difficulties while they were on the group tour. Their sense of belonging to the hearing-impaired community and their family members highlighted subdivisions in communication cultures and the need for an online networking platform that connects the hearing-impaired. This study concluded with suggestions for the tourism industry to plan and improve group tours for people with hearing impairments.


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