  • 期刊


Trends in Cross-Strait Trade Interactions and Changes in Supply Chain Status for Post-Covid-19 Period




It may be witnessed the outbreak of Covid-19 has brought challenges to the global economy and that trade have accelerated the transformation of the global industrial supply chain. Based on the trade map for 2018 and 2020, this study aims to explore the influence of the pandemic on the cross-strait trade structure, and especially to analyze the shift of both China's and Taiwan's trade status in the global trade network by performing a social network analysis approach with both structural holes and degree centrality. According to the changes in both Burt's measures in the "effective size" and constraint, the study suggests that after the Covid-19 outbreak, China maintains its position as the center of the global trade network, but the U.S' status has declined a bit. However, both Burt's measures for the "effective size" and constraint of Taiwan's trade network have expanded, indicating an unsure trend in its trade network position. Furthermore, in terms of the degree-centrality in the global trade network, China's export momentum increased further after the epidemic, but import momentum weakened due to the negative impact of the Covid-19 on domestic demand. The U.S. export and import dynamics declined, but Taiwan's import and export dynamics rose simultaneously, reflecting not only the strong export dynamics of Taiwan's manufacturing industry during this period but also the improved economic quality due to performing "Three Major Programs for Investing in Taiwan." In summary, this study explores the changes in the global trade network between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and key countries after the pandemic with an exploration of global policy thinking and supply chain risk prevention after the pandemic. This study argues that the understanding of cross-strait trade relations should go beyond the traditional argument of international trade interdependence. Instead, the study provides a perspective for an objective assessment of the changes in the trade status of each country in the global trade network at a higher level.


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