  • 期刊


Analysis of Tang Junyi's Interpretation of Xunzi's Thought of "Rectification of Names"




荀子 唐君毅 惠施 公孫龍 正名


Xunzi Chapter of "Rectification of Names" talks about the generation of names, the key point of naming, the purpose of naming and three confusion of using name. There are lot of people associated with the School of Names. But such an understanding divides Xunzi's thought into two parts, that is, the way of rite and righteousness and the subject of School of Names. Mr. Tang has a view of this, by comparing the Logic thought between "Chapter of Rectification of Names" , Mobian, Hui Shi, and Gongsun Longzi, pointed out that Xunzi is different from the position of Mohism, Hui Shi and Gongsun Long. Xunzi's Rectification of Names of is not concerned with the topic of Name corresponding. His point is putting "name" under the context of the generation of names, the key point of naming, the purpose of naming, puts forward that "the name has its solid good" and can refer to the truth. This is indeed the deep meaning of rectification of names, rather than falling into the logic theory or Knowledge discussion. Tang's argument provided an consistency describing the thought of Xunzi. Although some of the arguments are open to question, it still provides a valuable direction for studying Xunzi's thought.


Xunzi Tang Junyi Hui Shi Gong Sunlong Zhengming


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