  • 期刊


Spatial Impacts of Chung-Sun Freeway on athe Industrial Development in Taiwan's West Corridor




Major transportation construction project is one of the means to promote regional development by government. Investigation of the spatial impacts for a transportation construction project on local economic development and life quality improvement is an important research topic. Since the completion in 1976, Chung-Sun Freeway has been operated more than 20 years. Empirical analysis of the impacts on industrial development around freeway interchanges is an interesting and important research topic. Based on the application of geographic information system, physical distance between townships and interchanges in Taiwan's west corridor are estimated for analysis. Associated with the past industrial census data, the spatial impacts of freeway system are analyzed in terms of temporal, spatial and industrial dimensions. In addition, linear statistical models representing the relationship between interchange accessibility and local manufacturing industry are developed to help decisions related to national physical planning and future researches.


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