  • 期刊


Negotiation Mechanism for MRT Station Development Review Based on the Game Theory




The MRT station development has created an economic agglomeration effect. It also causes external congestion of public facilities. While there exists a negotiated room during the review of land use conversion, the crux is how to reach an equilibrium between development revenues of rezoning and feedback of public facilities. Therefore, the review sector and construction sector are not only interested in the results of the review but are also concerned about the process of negotiation, which may reduce the cost of transaction for promoting the allocation efficiency of resources. This study applied game theory to analyze the review process of the MRT station development, which explains an interdependent structure of agreement process, and then establishes a negotiation mechanism. The simulation found that, when information symmetry exists, the negotiation mechanism is operational, and it could be used as a reference for governments to review the MRT station development.


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