  • 期刊


The Unification of Humanity and Divinity in the Education of Japan's Tenno: Discussions of Morohashi Tetsuzi's Imperial Lecture on Confucian Classics and His Interpretation of the Analects





諸橋轍次 經筵進講 論語 修己治人


This essay includes four sections. First, primarily illustrates the origin of imperial lecture on Confucian Classics in modern Japan, introduces the brief history of the lecture by the end of World War Ⅱ, and demonstrates the reasons why the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Mencius are absence from Confucian Classics in the lecture. Second, explains Morohashi is an eligible tutor for the Tenno, the emperor, for his erudite and unadulterated thought, and indicates that he taught the chapter 42 ”Tzu-lu wen chun-tzu”(子路問君子) in the book of Hsien-wen (憲問) in the Analects for he believed that the Analects is an out-and-out book for individual education. Third, indicates Morohashi intended to educate and form Shōwa Tenno, Hirohito, to be an emperor with the qualities of ”Hsiu-chi an-jen” (cultivates himself so as to give rest to others) and ”Hsiu-chi an pai-hsing” (cultivates himself so as to give rest to all the people). Further, the emperor must develop three virtues, ”Hsueh-yi yang-te” (cultivate morality by study), which shows the intention of returning the wills of t'ien (Heaven); ”Hsiao-yi hua-ming” (moralize people by filial piety), which could groups all Tenno's people by filial piety; and ”Ching-yi chih-shih” (manage business by attentive reverence), which reverence as himself inner virtue cultivation, must connect to the ideas of ”Chih-kuo” (govern the state) and ”Ping tien-hsia” (build the tranquility of the empire). Final, Tenno, in modern Japan, is actually regards as a ”Man of Virtue” in his moral education, and, for he is the Man who admitted and chosen by t'ien, must be educated, developed, and cultivated to ”Humanity” instead of ”Divinity”. Therefore, the ultimate purpose of Tenno's education by the Unification of T’ien-tzu (son of god) and Tenson (descendant of god), and humanity and divinity, could create Japan becomes the center of the ”world” and defenses the Great Powers.


