  • 期刊


Popularity of the Late Ming Dynasty's Classic of Mountains and Seas in Japan - Examples of "Illustrations of Strange Birds and Beasts" and "Stories of Foreign Countries"




Japanese "Illustrations of Strange Birds and Beasts" and "Stories of Foreign Countries" mirror strange birds and beasts as well as strange people from faraway countries in "Classic of Mountains and Seas" (a.k.a. "Shan Hai Jing"). These two books obviously were influenced by the daily book "Wen Lin Miao Jin Wan Bao Quan Shu" published by Jian-Yang in the late Ming dynasty, showing very similar elements in their images. "Stories of Tang", the closely-related work of "Stories of Foreign Countries" is a color print, displaying the style of Japanese folk paintings, which was a product of Japanification, just like the color print of "Illustrations of Strange Birds and Beasts". These two books show how popular the images of "Classic of Mountains and Seas" were in Japan. In addition, the publication of the other related images further reveals that "Classic of Mountains and Seas" was well liked by both Japanese publishers and readers in the Edo period.


鹿憶鹿LU, YI-LU:〈殊俗異物,窮遠見博──新刻《山海經》、《臝蟲錄》的明人異域想像〉“Shu Su Yi Wu Qiong Yuan Jian Bo: Xin Ke Shan Hai Jing Luo Chong Lu De Ming Ren Yi Yu Xiang Xiang”,《淡江中文學報》Tamkang Journal of Chinese Literature第33期(2015年12月),頁113-146。
明‧王圻WANG, QI:《類書三才圖會》Lei Shu San Cai Tu Hui(臺北Taipei:成文出版社Chen Wen Publishing Co., Ltd.,1974年,影印明萬曆三十五年槐蔭草堂刊本)。
明‧胡文煥HU, WEN-HUAN:《新刻臝蟲錄》Xin Ke Luo Chung Lu(日本東洋文庫藏Toyo Bunko,胡文煥文會堂《格致叢書》刊本,1593年﹝明萬曆21年﹞)。
明‧胡文煥HU, WEN-HUAN:《新刻山海經》Xin Ke Shan Hai Jing(北京Beijing:中國書店Chinese Bookstore,2013年,影印明萬曆二十一年文會堂刊本)。
明‧劉雙松LIU, SHUANG-SONG編輯:《文林妙錦萬寶全書》Wen Lin Miao Jin Wan Bao Quan Shu,收入日‧坂出祥伸YOSHINOBU KANADE、小川陽一YOICHI OGAWA編:《中國日用類書集》Zhong Guo Ri Yong Lei Shu Ji Cheng第12冊(東京Tokyo:汲古書院Kiyuukoshoin,2003年,據建仁寺兩足院藏劉雙松重梓影印)。
