  • 期刊


A Study on the Meaning of "Usefulness" in Zhuang Zi's "the Usefulness of the Uselessness"




This study first explores the true meaning behind the word, Zhuang Zi's "the usefulness of the uselessness," and reveals that it does not deny the value and benefit of "usefulness," but affirms the practicality of the object according to "the value of its original display," which is different from ordinary people taking the practical value judged by themselves as a criterion. "The value bestowed by others" is used to measure the practicality of the object, so that the usefulness of the multi-values of this object can be uncovered. That is, Zhuang Zi uses "uselessness" to unfold the meaning of "xin qi zhi yong," which transfers the dominance of "usefulness" to the object itself so that it can be used to achieve the benefits of self-interest; Hui Zi takes "xin fu zhi yong" as its meaning to establish the dominance of subjective consciousness on "usefulness" and this confines the opportunities where this object can display its multi-values, causing it difficult to show its usefulness. In addition, the purpose that Zhuang Zi applies "xin qi zhi yong" to deal with the world is to dissolve the stereotypes of the discrimination in our minds produced by "knowledge (Zhi)." Thus, the values of usefulness will not fall into the opposites and difference, and the disputes among people will disappear.Finally, the relationship between Zhuang Zi's "xin qi zhi yong" and "Human World (Renjianshi)" is explored. As a result, the value of its own application of "Dao" to achieve its usefulness is clarified, how to randomly display and use "worthiness and worthlessness" is found out, and the criteria used in selection need to adapt to the context, so that we can be free from the self-limitation caused by detachment to worldly value, and then let our minds free and unfettered.


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