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The Impacts of Personality, Personal Value, and Attitude on Willingness to Be Holiday Farmers




As the changes in social life styles and social structure, the labor force has flowed out to the city, and thus becomes alienated from nature. Facing such a life in the present, it would be a good thing to have the opportunity to experience rural life and fun for eliminating irritability and getting rid of stress. Therefore, this study aims to explore the impacts among personality (neuroticism and openness), personal value (internal values, external value, and fun/ excitement value), mindfulness, attitude (utilitarian attitude and hedonic attitude), and willingness to be a "holiday farmer". This study uses paper-based questionnaire survey and convenient sampling to collect data. The empirical results show that openness will significantly and positively affect mindfulness. In addition, the hedonic attitude plays a fully mediating role, i.e., internal value and fun/excitement value affect the willingness to be a "holiday farmer" through the hedonic attitude. In contrast, the external value directly and significantly affects the willingness to be a "holiday farmer".


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