  • 期刊


Biomechanical Analysis of Elite Female Rowers on Rowing Performance


本研究的目在分析我國優秀女子划船選手在划船測功儀上進行6分鐘划船測驗時,於特定階段(出發期、途中划期、衝刺期)之動力學與途中划期之運動學表現特徵。以八位曾具國家代表隊或青年代表隊的女子划船選手為受試對象,每位受試者在Concept II划船測功儀(Model C)上進行6分鐘的划船測驗。以一部JVC數位攝影機(60Hz)收集受試者左側矢狀面動作資料,將拉力計(600Hz)裝置在划船測功儀握把與鏈條之間,以收集拉槳時的力量;並同步擷取實驗所需資料。將6分鐘划船測驗分為四個階段:第一階段(0分鐘起的十槳)代表出發期;第二階段(第2分鐘起的十槳)與第三階段(第4分鐘起的十槳)代表途中划期;第四階段(第5.5分鐘起的十槳)代表衝刺期;以重覆量數單因子變異數分析考驗動力學參數在各階段間的差異。結果發現:在測功儀進行6分鐘划船測驗的平均划船距離1474公尺,槳頻28槳,最大心跳率186次∕分,功率193瓦特。測驗過程中最大力量、平均力量、功率、槳頻皆會隨著測驗時間的增加而降低,在結束前又會略微提升;拉槳動作時間則與其相反。瞬間心跳率會持續升高,而衝量則持續的降低。建議選手應該加強心肺耐力的訓練,以維持較高的槳頻並降低疲勞產生的影響。


The purpose of this study was to understand the kinematics and kinetics for elite female rowers on rowing ergometer. Eight female rowers belonging to the national team of Taiwan participated in this study. Each rower was asked to perform a 6-min test on Concept II rowing ergometer (Model C). One JVC digital camera (60Hz) was synchronized with a load cell (600Hz) that was inserted between the chain and the handle to detect pulling force. 6-min test was divided into four phases: phase I (0 min), phase II (2 min), phase III (4 min), and phase IV (5.5 min), and each phase consisted of 10 strokes. An ANOVA for repeated measures was used to identify kinetic differences for each phase. The significant level was set at 0.05. The result shown that the rowing distance 1474 m; stroke rate 28 strokes/min; heart rate 186 beat/min; power 193 watt for 6-min test. In addition, the peak force, average force, power and stroke rate values were almost constant with a decreasing tendency following repetitive strokes and a increasing before the end. Nevertheless, the drive duration value was constant with an increasing tendency for three phases and a decreasing for phase IV.


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