  • 期刊


Analyses of international review article




Academic research is one of the main approaches used in presenting new scientific knowledge, and the academic community generally employs research approaches as objective indices in order to evaluate academic performance. Recently, the field of Physical Education, Sports and Exercise has shown great progress in publishing journal papers. For the most part, empirical studies are typically the relevant material. However, reviews, another important area of research, are generally not given much attention. Therefore, the present manuscript attempts to provide a brief review concerning the basic concept of reviews. After integrating international trends applicable for reviewing, we concluded that the narrative review, the systematic review, and the meta-analytic review are the three main types of reviews. Among all the types of reviews, the narrative review is simpler and has more flexibility, and permits describing the specific topic with brevity and with further classification and discussion. The systematic review is related in a more rigorous manner, because this type of reporting uses methods targeting the study's reproducibility, including its defining of questions, its broadly conceived research strategy, and the criteria of its details, while evaluating its quality of research methodology. The meta-analytic review is the highest level of all the review types, because it uses statistical analysis methods as objective indices in order to measure and evaluate the study's outcome. Lastly, the author has also provided several suggestions based upon professional authors' experiences, which should be considered by those writing reviews, both nationally and internationally. Regarding the national community, providing abstracts for each group title, integrating conceptually the group titles, citing original information, and referencing the latest journal papers, are to be considered as professional standards for writing reviews in the future. For submitting a journal paper to the international community, we suggested that future experts can and ought to use broadly conceived research methods, by integrating figures and tables, building new theories and models, and applying multidisciplinary approaches in order to increase visibility for the review. This manuscript that briefly introduces a review may provide the knowledge basis regarding the purposes of the review, thereby enabling further methods for improving the quality of academic research the in Physical Education, Sports and Exercise field.


張育愷、祝堅恆(2012)。體育與運動的SCI 與SSCI。體育學報。45(2),79-91。




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